Diaspora News


Literally or figuratively speaking, it is only a visually-impaired person who isn’t seeing the writings on the wall that there is a ticking bomb waiting to explode as soon as the pin is pulled.  Let’s not pull the pin to save our country and people from destruction.

The brewing tension between partisans of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah and the former ruling Unity Party of former Vice-President Joseph Boakai is what we are alluding to here because if it is allowed to go out of hand, the consequences will be grave in terms of human and material costs.

We need not tell you that the writings are clear on the wall so that all can see and the ticking of the bomb is loud enough for us to hear and beware of the imminent danger.

As you can also see, emotions are high and blood is boiling among partisans of the two major rival parties, CDC and Unity Party since the start of the political campaign, a very fragile component of the October 10, 2023 polls.

This means our Country is sitting on a time bomb and unless the relevant authorities act timely and appropriately, the bomb would explode and lives and properties would be wantonly destroyed.

Let us not allow this to happen because we have had or tasted the bitter consequences of violence for more than fourteen wasted years during which several thousands of innocent civilians were internally displaced and several other thousands scattered across the World into refugee camps.

Most importantly, let us remind leaders of political parties and independent candidates that they have all signed the Farmington Declaration that obliges them to ensure that the pending legislative and presidential elections are free of violence. So far, it appears like some of the signatories to that Document have already lost sight of it and so have continued to abrogate its dictates.

As forerunners of the pending elections, aren’t they seeing the writing on the wall that our Country is sitting on a time bomb in the wake of the increasing wave of brewing tension between their respective partisans?

Obviously, our Country faces an imminent danger and all of us as citizens, including leaders of political parties, must beware of such danger and conduct ourselves properly to save our Country from another round of anarchy.

By doing so, let’s keep in mind that no political party or politician is bigger than Liberia. As the writing remains clear on the wall, let us also conduct ourselves properly to maintain the peace, because, after all, Liberia is the only Country we have and so we must protect it against anything inimical to its peace and stability.

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