Prospective: From whence I see it!


Prospective: From whence I see it!

By: Jallah Grayfield

Liberian Journalist & Host OK Morning Drive


 The honor bestowed on Weah’s mentors Wenger and Leroy signifies reciprocity………

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-29 August 2018: When racism was at the peak in the world where blacks were not respected and treated with indecencies Wenger found dirt

Poor George Weah, whose foundation was poorly laid in the slum of Gibrata and made him a king of soccer.

Little did Weah know that his soccer carrier would have experienced a sudden leap, the importance he attached to his carrier, the respect shown his colleagues yea his coaches made him win the admiration of Coach Leroy yea Wenger

President Weah’s transition story is one that tells more about humility, coming from a poor parental background, Weah knew that with a limited education, he could do better in football, so he kept pressing on until a white man saw whiteness in his black soul

Claude Leroy and Wenger didn’t look at the blackness of Weah, but they found a revered talent hidden deep down in his legs that could be uncovered for the best.

Amongst dominant white players, the two white coaches provided Weah direction and at last, he became a successful world player who was even recognized by   the white themselves.

Wenger and Leroy’s political recognition, FROMWHENCE I SEE IT

There is an adage that says “Every one good deserves another.” So the coaches well deserved the honor.

Frankly, I think the honor bestowed on the erudite football legends by the Liberian Leader worth serious commendation.  I have heard the politics surrounding the honor with many intoning that these two great football coaches didn’t deserved receiving the awards. The argument continues that only those who have contributed to the growth and development of the Liberia nation deserve such honor; which I beg to differ.

Liberians should even be more grateful to Wenger and Leroy for developing the talents of a poor African man to a carrier and accomplished footballer whose fame had grown over the years, thus eventually landing him on the throne of the Liberian presidency.  Wenger and Leroy indirectly contributed to Liberia’s development by molding the mind of George   Weah.  When he became a carrier footballer, Weah spotted other talented young footballers back home, many of whom did not have the opportunities to showcase their talents internationally. He took many of those players abroad and used his connection to place them on major club teams, after which they too begun giving back to the country.  Are we aware that on many occasions when the Liberia National team got stranded, George Weah used his personal funds to help the team cross the rocky path?

All of these happened because two magnanimous white men explored his talent which made him earned more money to contribute the growth of the State

FROM WHENCE I SEE IT , the former Arsenal Coach Arsene Wenger  and coach  Claude Leroy  as well as the former Ghanaian president John Kufour’s are worthy of  the honor



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