Firestone Again; Workers Demand Increased Wages


Firestone Again; Workers Demand Increased Wages

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-10August 2018: Striking workers of Liberia’s largest rubber plantation-Firestone are demanding increase in hourly wages from US$8.36 to US$12.50 as a precondition to end ongoing strike action.

According to a statement issued yesterday, August 9, 2018, the workers are accusing the management of Firestone with discrimination in workers’ wage structure.

According to the union’s statement yesterday at the Ministry of Labor, where they had gone to protest, stated that the management of Firestone promised to restructure its wage structure, but this has not done so, leading to a huge disparity in wage structure.

Luogon Guanue Polay, spokesman of the workers stated that Division Superintendents wages were increased from $US400 to $US1,100, while tappers remain left out by the Management

“We want the $US8.36 to $US12.50 reflected on the payment statement as base pay plus any other earnings.”  Polay statement said.

The aggrieved workers, also want the company to provide first aid training for at least two persons at each divisional office school campuses along with the provision of a first aid kit.

Polay, further said that the discharge of firearms with live ammunition on workers at Division #43, precisely at Wilson check point by police officers was unfortunate and call on the government to speedily lunch a full skill investigation into the shooting.

For his part, Justice Minister Musa Dean reassured the workers that no workers will be punished by management for airing their views during the stand-off.

He mandated the Management of the Firestone Plantations Company to provide employees’ handbook to the workers within a reasonable time, noting that doing so will enable the workers understand the do’s and don’ts in their workplaces.

The Justice Minister has also ordered an investigation into a complaint that live ammunition was fired by security forces during the strike action on the plantation.

He informed protesting workers that the President of the Republic of Liberia, George M. Weah, is very concerned about their plight and promised the Government’s mediation with the Firestone rubber company to address their concerns.

Also speaking was Labor Minister Moses Y. Kollie, who said he was pleased that workers have agreed to return to work, following the intervention of the Government of Liberia.

He stated it is now clear that the Weah-led government remains concern about the welfare of workers in the country.

He told protesting workers that the government is under obligation to listen to their plight and encourage all workers in the country to bring their issues to the Ministry of Labor for amicable resolution, instead of engaging in lawlessness.

Minister Kollie further encouraged the workers of Firestone to respect and listen to government and respect terms of the onging meditation aimed resolving the conflict.

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