“We Have Come to Rescue”

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“We Have Come to Rescue”

-President JNB Tells Liberians, Others in Inaugural Address


IPNEWS – The President of Liberia, Mr. Joseph Nyuma Boakai, has informed the world, including his fellow compatriots that his Administration, which is the 26th Presidential Administration, has come to rescue Liberia and Liberians from unwholesome things that have made this West African nation a laughingstock.

Addressing Liberians at home and abroad in his inaugural speech, the 26th President of Liberia, stated that during the just-ended political campaign, the state of the nation was laid bare. “Many words were spoken. Angry words were spoken. The experts uncovered for us cogent analyses of our national condition. We can no more attempt to bury our heads in the proverbial sand.  We see hard times, we see dysfunction, we see culture of impunity, we see corruption in high and low places. It is these and similar conditions that we have come to RESCUE.”

Pres. Boakai said while he didn’t come to give any “false assurance”, his plan to fix the ills his Administration inherited must go together with realistic expectations. “We will act in the first hundred days of our Administration, and then diligently pursue our rescue mission,” the President added.

“I began my quest for the presidency because something seemed wrong with us Liberians, and the leadership of our country. Rather than the positives, we were accentuating the negatives about our country and about each other. We were initiating false starts, building on poor foundations. We were deepening our differences, creating new social fault lines. Inclusive and accountable governance was at an all-time low. We created a culture of unfinished business, engaged in ad hoc undertakings, making this behavior the ‘new normal.’ We were chevalier about the rule of law. We lowered standards in many domains of our common life as a people. We seem to have lost our way, lost hope.”

The Octogenarian then assured Liberians that he has come to rekindle hope, to reposition Liberians on national pathway. He added: “I have come to remind us that though the accident of our births has made of us a diverse people, we must employ our CITIZENSHIP, our Liberian citizenship to make of us a united people, for only a United people can build a nation.”

The President disclosed that included in his plan of giving hope to Liberians will be to refocus the nation’s political energies. “With the electoral campaign now behind us, I embrace all my fellow Liberians at home and in the diaspora. One of the good things brought to light by the campaign, and facilitated by social media, is that Liberians from all walks of life had a chance to engage a ‘national conversation’ about our past, our present, and our future prospects. We learned together what is wrong with our country, and hopefully what is right as well.”

President Boakai admonished his fellow Liberians to join him in recalibrating their nation and work to “restore the years the locusts have eaten” by accentuating the positive about thier country and about their fellow citizens. “As we think, love, and build Liberia, let us take this state of mind to the business of national healing and reconciliation, both the old and new emerging social cleavages. Let us restore inclusivity, transparency, and accountability to governance at all levels of our society, including government.”

“We must discourage the culture of unfinished business, doing things in a haphazard and unserious manner. We must restore hope to ourselves, individually, and as a collectivity. We must also restore dignity and integrity to public service – livable remuneration and pension schemes to civil servants and foreign-service government workers. We must restore respect for the rule of law, and respect for officers of the law across our three branches of government.”

The President then commended former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, whom he had served with for 12 years as her Vice President, former President George Manneh Weah, and all others 23 presidents, who held the position for their contributions to their “common patrimony”. “We must build upon their strengths and correct their shortcomings. I thank President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, my former boss for her stewardship when the country needed to come out of the ruins of war. I commend my immediate predecessor, President George Weah, for living up to the dictates of our Constitution and laws in ensuring the smooth transfer of power.  The people wanted change, and we have no option but to do the people’s bidding.”

President Boakai concluded his speech by rallying Liberians: “To you, my fellow Liberians across the length and breadth of our great country, let us this day begin a process of national renewal and make this century the Liberian century. Let us unite and build together.

“Let us resolve to make our country a truly bright and shining star – ‘the Lone Star Forever’. And in so doing, let us reflect on the words of our national hymn: ‘In union strong, success is sure. We cannot fail.’

“We look forward with hope, faith and confidence, as we Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and together Build Liberia.

“May Almighty God bless us all and save our State.”

The full address of President Boakai’s Inaugural Speech

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