Day: December 21, 2022


–Holds Awards’ Dinner At Cape Hotel Today IPNEWS: Key Verse: Romans 13:7, “Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.” (NKJV) The Bible directs that we should give to everyone his due, honor, respect and reverence. Paul’s teaching in …


ArcelorMittal-Liberia Sponsored National County Sports Meet Kicks-off Across Liberia

IPNEWS: Liberia’s annual traditional soccer tournament comes alive once again as scores of sports enthusiasts descended on the Doris Williams Sports Stadium in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, on last Sunday to cheer their sides to victory. This year’s National County Sports Meet is heavily funded by Liberia’s private sector leader and largest taxpayer, ArcelorMittal-Liberia …

ArcelorMittal-Liberia Sponsored National County Sports Meet Kicks-off Across Liberia Read More »

AFL Graduates 176 Recruits Thursday

–Class Comprises 56 Females, 120 Males IPNEWS: As part of efforts in line with the Commander–in–Chief and President of the Republic of Liberia, George Weah’s objective to augment the current strength of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) and boost its readiness capacity, the MOD/AFL launched a recruitment drive in early January 2022. The recruitment …

AFL Graduates 176 Recruits Thursday Read More »

“We Are Living as Slaves in Own Country – Aggrieved Karnga Island Community Residents

IPNEWS: Residents of the Karnga Island Community along the Japan Freeway on Monday December 19, 2022, staged a peaceful protest against the TRH Trading Corporation in demand of basic social cooperation and responsibilities promised them by TRH management. According to the chairperson of the aggrieved residents Jeremiah Walker, the management of the company took their …

“We Are Living as Slaves in Own Country – Aggrieved Karnga Island Community Residents Read More »

LRA Intensifies Talks on Real Property Tax Revenue-Sharing in Bassa

IPNEWS: The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), through its Real Estate Tax Division, has continued discussions with local stakeholders in Grand Bassa County to enlighten them about its real property tax expansion project in the county. The project seeks to ensure 50 percent of all revenues collected from real property tax in the County will be …

LRA Intensifies Talks on Real Property Tax Revenue-Sharing in Bassa Read More »

AFELL Calls for Speedy Trial in Gruesome Murder of Yei Gargbaye in Sanniquellie

IPNEWS: The Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) is calling for a speedy trial in the gruesome murder of Madam Yei Gargbaye in Saniquellie City, Nimba County. The Association speaking through its 1st Vice President, Atty. Bowoulo Taylor Kelley, condemns in the strongest terms the alleged gruesome murder of Madam Gargbaye by her boyfriend …

AFELL Calls for Speedy Trial in Gruesome Murder of Yei Gargbaye in Sanniquellie Read More »