Day: November 17, 2022

Ahead of PUL Elections Saturday: Team Kanubah Cautions Supporters to Stay Put

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) is slated to go to its Congress and Elections beginning Thursday, November 17, 2022 leading to Saturday, November 19, 2022 in Gbarnga, Bong County. During the Congress pertinent issues are expected to be discussed by the PUL membership, leading to the elections that will bring the Charles Coffey’s leadership …

Ahead of PUL Elections Saturday: Team Kanubah Cautions Supporters to Stay Put Read More »

“Your Quest Supports Our Agenda”, Min. Wilson Tells BlueCrest

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Minister of Youth and Sports, D. Zeogar Wilson has said the quest of the BlueCrest University College in Liberia to support youth development in the country supports governments Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD). Making remarks as special guest of the closing ceremony of the inaugural edition of the Let’s Make Liberia …

“Your Quest Supports Our Agenda”, Min. Wilson Tells BlueCrest Read More »

Gov’t Denounces any Action that Threatens Violence, Strong Diplomatic Ties with United States

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Government of Liberia strongly denounces any action that will threaten violence or hurt the strong diplomatic and historic ties that exist between Liberia and the Unites States of America, and herewith distances itself from all such comments and intended actions, a Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism press statement signed by Minister …

Gov’t Denounces any Action that Threatens Violence, Strong Diplomatic Ties with United States Read More »

CPP- Alexander Cummings Gets More Endorsements for President

IPNEWS: There seems to be an unending traction to the presidential bid of the standard bearer of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), Mr. Alexander B. Cummings who continues to receive massive endorsements from Montserrado and Margibi with the latest coming from the people of Joezohn and Karfiah, all rural communities in Lower Margibi County. Buoyed …

CPP- Alexander Cummings Gets More Endorsements for President Read More »

Nathaniel McGill Clarifies: “ I Entered UL 1995, Graduated 2001; Golden Classmates

IPNEWS: Former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel Falo McGill, who has thrown in his hat to contest the senatorial seat in the upcoming 2023 presidential and legislative elections, has been making waves in recent times, as citizens from Margibi County continue to petition him to run as senator for their County based on …

Nathaniel McGill Clarifies: “ I Entered UL 1995, Graduated 2001; Golden Classmates Read More »

Boakai Says President Weah’s Presence and Absence the Same

Former vice president and standard bearer of the opposition Unity Party Amb. Joseph Nyuma Boakai, says on the heels of critical national events and continued hardships being suffered by the Liberian people around the country, including the rice shortage crisis and the poor process of conducting the national census, Liberia continues to witness other acts …

Boakai Says President Weah’s Presence and Absence the Same Read More »

Govt Officials, Diplomatic Community Observe Log Export Operations at APM Terminals Liberia

IPNEWS – A delegation from the diplomatic community and government has paid a visit to the Freeport of Monrovia to observe how timber logs are exported out of the country. The visit was to give port stakeholders and the diplomatic community the opportunity to witness the loading and export of logs, which by international shipment …

Govt Officials, Diplomatic Community Observe Log Export Operations at APM Terminals Liberia Read More »

Aggrieved Enumerators Threaten to Burn LISGIS Office in Cape Mount

By: James Lehmer Hiama, Jr.; 0770334857/0888270604; Aggrieved protesting Census Enumerators have threatened to burn down the office of LISGIS in Grand Cape Mount County. During a violent protest in Tahn Town, Gola Konneh District on Wednesday, November 16,  2022, several Enumerators broke into the office of the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information services …

Aggrieved Enumerators Threaten to Burn LISGIS Office in Cape Mount Read More »

Chief Justice Yuoh Admonishes Judges to Dispense Justice without Fear or Favor

–Says Adequate Solution Will Be Found for Issues Confronting the Judiciary By Jacqueline L. Dennis Responding to the Charge of Judge Blamo Dixon of Criminal Court ‘C’, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Sie-A-Nyene Yuoh on Monday, November 14, 2022 at the November Term of Court opening of the first Judicial Circuit Criminal Court …

Chief Justice Yuoh Admonishes Judges to Dispense Justice without Fear or Favor Read More »

“Plans for CENSUS are marred by Complete corruption and a lack of well-defined policies” UP Joseph Boakai Descends on LISGIS

IPNEWS: The political leader of the opposition Unity Party has asserted that the National Housing and Population Census preparation has been marred by controversies, characterized by complete corruption and a lack of well-defined policies. Addressing a major news conference Wednesday in Monrovia at the Unity Party’s national headquarters, the former Vice President recounted that recently, Liberians …

“Plans for CENSUS are marred by Complete corruption and a lack of well-defined policies” UP Joseph Boakai Descends on LISGIS Read More »