To Make RIA Viable Simeon Freeman Recommends Cancellation of Visas to Liberia

Business News

To Make RIA Viable Simeon Freeman Recommends Cancellation of Visas to Liberia

IPNEWS-Monrovia: The Political leader of the Movement for Progressive Change (MPC) Simeon Freeman has recommended to President George Weah several things that could make the Roberts International Airport (RIA) a viable entity in the country.

Mr. Freeman told his audience that the Roberts International Airport is becoming a liability than an asset and he feels that some immediate intervention needs to be done to make the airport more viable.

Speaking Monday, September 12, 2022, Mr. Freeman outlined the Cancellation of Visas to Liberia and Reduction in the fees charged for cargo handling service.

The Businessman turned-politician indicated that if President Weah announces the cancellation of visas, there would be an understatement influx of air traffic which attracts huge passengers to the country. He said Liberia has annual air traffic of 1000 persons per year and that means that 8,833 passengers travel to Liberia in a year, describing it as too low for the country. He further noted that it also boasts the economy.

Mr. Freeman, who is the head of DSTV Liberia, encouraged the government to reduce the cost of handling services and the price of jet fuel at the airport which he said, are currently very expensive.

He indicated that when these measures are taken into consideration, they will enable investors to invest in the tourism industry and opens up a corridor for job creation.

The Liberian politician asserted that the 11,000 square feet that the airport is made of, can permit the landing of huge aircraft, and with the reduction in the price of jet fuel, more of these huge air carriers could take advantage and use Liberia as a Hub.

The Simeon Freeman Show is a platform of the Movement for Progressive Change that is being used to provide the public governance issues and how they intend to address Liberia’s governance challenges.

This Show is aired on several radio stations across Monrovia and on Facebook live.

Mr. Freeman also noted that while he is not against the privatization of the RIA, he wants the government to exhaust available options before privatization.

In conclusion, the Businessman criticized politicians for their inability to provide policy prescriptions but blamed the current administration for everything.

He blamed the media for elevating failed politicians on their platforms who he claimed to have nothing to contribute to the development of the country. Who does he expect to grow the economy, is it God, that is not going to happen, it requires ideas and hard work, he opined. Writes Seykajipo Amegashie; 0880554136/0777594750;


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