Breaking!!: Veteran Liberian Journalist Philip Wesseh is Dead


Breaking!!: Veteran Liberian Journalist Philip Wesseh is Dead

IPNEWS: The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has confirmed the passing of veteran Liberian Journalist Philip Wesseh, in the early hours of Wednesday, September 14, 2022, after a long period of illness.

According to PUL President Charles Coffey, the managing publisher of the Inquirer Newspaper, Philip Wesseh passed early Wednesday morning at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center in Sinkor.

Prior to his death, Philip Wesseh, has been confined to a wheelchair as he recovered. Affectionately called ‘Gina’ by his peers and younger journalists he mentored and the people who followed his writings, Mr. Wesseh won the hearts of Liberians relative to his work as profound media executive and journalists of many years.

Family sources tell IPNEWS that recently his condition deteriorated and was taken to JFK for proper medical examination and observation.

During the last PUL Awards, Philip Wesseh, was inducted into the Press Union of Liberia’s Hall of Fame in recognition for his immense contributions to the Liberian media landscape. He did not attend the ceremony due to failing health. But the PUL, led by its President Charles Coffey visited his home and awarded him the certificate.

It may be recalled at the peak of Philip Wesseh’s illness, President George Weah ordered him flown to Ghana for advanced treatment where he stayed for nearly six months before he returned home. For more into this, login to


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