Lonestar Cell MTN Leads, Others follow…Grants Digital Tuition Payment System for Public Schools

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Lonestar Cell MTN Leads, Others follow…Grants Digital Tuition Payment System for Public Schools

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-10August 2018: The Ministry of Education (MoE), and Liberia’s oldest functioning mobile telephone company Lone Star Cell MTN have jointly announced the commencement of digital system of convenient tuition payment system for public schools across Liberia.

According to experts from the Lone Star Cell MTN, the system will allow public school students to pay tuitions via the Lonestar Cell MTN Mobile Money platform, which will reduce the burden faced with long queues by public school students in paying tuition and fees at various Banks during their school registration and tuition payments.

Lone Star Cell MTN further said the platform will enable secondary school students attending government-run schools to pay their tuition from anywhere at any time using the mobile money platform.

For his part, Education Minister, D. Ansu Sonii, lauded Lone Star Cell MTN for collaborating with the government of Liberia in its drive to transform the education system of the country.

Minister Sonii, stated that the introduction of the new digital tuition payment now enables public school students an enabling environment to stress-free and better concentrate on enhancing their learning capabilities.

“The world is changing; therefore the education system of Liberia must take advantage of the digital technologies that are provided for convenience, efficiency and accountability. “

Now with the digitalization of tuition payments, we also assure our students that records generated from various transactions can now be maintained and verified through a systemized electronic process.” Minister Sonii said.

The Liberian educator recounted the immense contribution of technology to mankind through the time saving, reduction of stress and paper trail, including efficiency in keeping data for future reference which could accelerate Liberia’s education sector immensely.

Minister Sonii: “the launch of the mobile money fees payment platform, within the public school system by Lone Star Cell MTN and the ministry of education will definitely have a success story in the shortest possible time, because the ministry is prepared to live up to the digital standard and its coordinating results for performance.”

Minister Sonii stated further that the ministry of Education is  committed to ensuring the cooperation between the Lonestar Cell MTN for the betterment of students education in Liberia.

Speaking earlier, Latim Da-thong, Deputy Education Minister for Administration, stated that the launch of the mobile money fees payment platform, found an integral part of the ministry drive to improve an effective education system through information and communication technology (ICT).

Da-thong also lauded the partnership between Lonestar Cell MTN and MoE in addressing several key issues, including accessibility and affordability for parents, and students.

“With mobile money, a student or parents can sit home and register with Lonestar Cell MTN Mobile Money, pay  school fees in the comfort of your living room within a second,” Da-thong said.

The mobile money platform according to a short demonstration at the meeting signifies an instant strategic information platform which instantly registered number of students per school and at each grade levels, capturing other relevant data, which will enable school administrators and the Ministry of Education to verify and have oversight on payment of student tuition fees at public schools.

Expending on the project detail, Lone Star Cell MTN, Product, Services and Channel Distribution Manger, Prince D. Chesson, Sr., told audience at the meeting that the new Mobile Money project is a brain-child of Lone Star Cell MTN, especially Madam Massa M. Dennis, in improving access to public services through technology, as contained in the government Pro-poor agenda under the stewardship of  President George Manneh Weah.

Chesson concluded that Lonestar Cell MTN system will allow MoE take instant record of the number of registered students at various locations across the country.

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