Day: February 6, 2018

Imminent National Tax Revision to Ease Hardship -Deputy for Fiscal Samora Wolokollie underscores

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018:Deputy Minister Designate for Fiscal Affairs Samora Wolokollie, has underscored the need for an urgent revision of the tax code of Liberia to meet current realities. Deputy Minister Designate for Fiscal Affairs stated Wolokollie stated that urgent revision of the tax code will greatly ease hardship on the ordinary people who had suffered many …

Imminent National Tax Revision to Ease Hardship -Deputy for Fiscal Samora Wolokollie underscores Read More »

PUL Condemns ‘Attack’ Against Journalists

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018: The Press Union of Liberia has strongly condemned violence carried out against Legislative Reporters on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 on the ground of the Capitol. The Union in s release said it is considering all options to address the cruel acts against the affected journalists. The release explained that the journalists had …

PUL Condemns ‘Attack’ Against Journalists Read More »

LEGISPOL Temporarily lifts Media Block-out On Senate

By: Papie Sheriff Kollie,Jr. IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018: The Legislative Press Pool (LEGISPOL) Monday February 5,2018  temporarily lifted the media block-out placed on the Liberian Senate pending an investigation to be commissioned by the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and the Leadership of the Senate. The decision by the LEGISPOL followed a meeting with the Pro-tempore …

LEGISPOL Temporarily lifts Media Block-out On Senate Read More »

Disabled Group Recommends To Weah -To Prioritize People With Disabilities

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018: In an effort to enhance the pro-poor agenda of the government, a group of people with disabilities have recommended to President George M. Weah to prioritize people living with disabilities in the country. Making call over the weekend at the Group of 77 during a ceremony to petition David Dean to head …

Disabled Group Recommends To Weah -To Prioritize People With Disabilities Read More »

Liberian, World Bank Sign US$24.7M Grant Agreement For Poverty Reduction

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018:The World Bank has provided its first development support to the new Government of Liberia headed by President George M. Weah with the signing of an IDA grant agreement amounting to US$24.7 million between the Bank and the Liberian Government. Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel D. Tweah signed on behalf of the …

Liberian, World Bank Sign US$24.7M Grant Agreement For Poverty Reduction Read More »

Baptist Church Restores Hope to Forgotten Hungarian Man -Resurrects From Rocks Crushing Field In Liberia

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018: Andras Miseta, a Hungarian national, who was robbed in Liberia by Liberian and Ghanaian nationals has been converted to Christianity and has ended up on a church farm in Grand Gedeh County. The fourth of seven siblings, Andras graduated from high school and enrolled at the sport college and later became a …

Baptist Church Restores Hope to Forgotten Hungarian Man -Resurrects From Rocks Crushing Field In Liberia Read More »

Liberia’s Staple reduced By US$2, US$4 for 25k, 50kg Bag; President Weah Insists on Further Reduction

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018:President George Manneh Weah has acknowledged the favorable response of rice importers to his request for reduction in the price of the nation’s staple food. The rice importers have reduced the price of a 25kg bag by two United States Dollars while the price of a 50kg bag is reduced by US$4. According …

Liberia’s Staple reduced By US$2, US$4 for 25k, 50kg Bag; President Weah Insists on Further Reduction Read More »

LWF To Participate in Debut African championship ..Team Departs For Nigeria

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018: A five man delegate of the Liberia Wrestling Federation (LWF) is expected to depart the country on Sunday February 4, 2018 for Port Harcourt, Nigeria to participate in the African Wrestling championship for the first time. Coach Charles G. Gradea will lead the team for the competition that has been earmarked for …

LWF To Participate in Debut African championship ..Team Departs For Nigeria Read More »

Suspicious Chinese Aid To Africa? -The Tale of How China Spied on the African Union for Five Years

No one would have known that data was being sent to Shanghai, China: confidential data, conversations, secrets, plans and strategies best kept within the confines of the African Union. China was the fly on the African Union’s wall. China, Africa’s supposed all-weather friend, built the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa and handed them over …

Suspicious Chinese Aid To Africa? -The Tale of How China Spied on the African Union for Five Years Read More »

Pres. Weah Makes 88 New appointments in Government

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018:President George Manneh Weah has made 88 additional appointments in Government pending confirmation by the Liberian Senate where applicable. Those appointed are: Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah Minister, Ministry of Health; Mrs. Joyce W. Dunbar Sherman, Deputy Minister for Prevention Services; and James Forkpa, Assistant Minister for Administration The President also made several appointments effecting …

Pres. Weah Makes 88 New appointments in Government Read More »