Flooding Intensifies In Liberia, leaves Over 500 homeless & At least One Dead In Grand Kru County


Flooding Intensifies In Liberia, leaves Over 500 homeless & At least One Dead In Grand Kru County

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-26 June 2018: Liberia continue to experience the heaviest of rain in recent year.

According to a report available to this paper, the flooding in recent days puts the number of homeless Liberian at more than five hundred and thirty-five , with one death occurring and five houses destroyed.

In Bushrod Island, Montserrado Cunty , at least 20 local residents of the Gbalasua Community in Duala, Bushrod Island have been displaced due to huge flooding of their community.

The flood was caused by a heavy down pull of ran on Sunday afternoon in Monrovia and its environs.

According to the information those victimized are said to be seeking refuge with family members and friends in nearby communities as the National Disaster Management Agency and other humanitarian organization organize relief support.

For Pleebo City, Maryand County , 50 local residents of the Zone Four Community in Pleebo City, Maryland County have been made homeless due to diverted flood waters.

A road construction company SSG blocked the main water ways and opened a narrow canal in the process of constructing a bridge, which prompted the water to make its way into the community.

At least 3 houses were destroyed by the flood waters, with Victims said to be seeking refuge with family members and friends in nearby communities as the National Disaster Management Agency and other humanitarian organization organize relief support..

In Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, at least 35 residents of the Bible Way Community in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County after three days of heavy down poll of rain.

The rain which started on Friday night flooded homes of the victims, subsequently displacing them.

Those victimized are said to be seeking refuge with family members and friends in nearby communities.

As for flooding in Barclayville City, Grand Kru County. Education authorities in Barclayville, Grand Kru County have suspended school activities due to huge flooding in Barclayville and surrounding communities.

A 32 year old man reportedly drown in the Norah River when he attempted crossing to Barclayville City.

Reports also say that at least one person is reported dead at the result of the flooding, while at least four hundred students are said to be affected from the heavy down pull of rain.

Report from the area say local authorities are calling on all residents to keep home and avoid flooded communities

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