Justice Philp Banks Turns 70 yet Associate Justice; Is There any Constitutional violation of Article 72 (b) ?

Laws & Order

Justice Philp Banks Turns 70 yet Associate Justice; Is There any Constitutional violation of Article 72 (b) ?

By T. Lula Jaurey

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-20 June 2018: In consonance  with article 72 (b), of the Liberian Constitution (1986) which states: “The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and judges of subordinate courts of record shall be retired at the age of seventy provided, however, that a justice or judge who has attained that age may continue in office for as long as may be necessary to enable him to render judgment or perform any other judicial duty in regard to proceedings entertained by him before he attained that age.”

In as much as those provision remain clear, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia Philip A.Z. Banks, III, on yesterday June 18, 2018, turned 70-year-old yet still serves as Liberian’s Associate Justice, Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia.

Associate Justice Banks currently chairs the Judiciary Inquiry Commission, -a statutory body of the Supreme Court which ensure lawyers remain accountable in their practices of law; investigate complaints against judges and magistrates of the Judiciary Branch of Government and  hand-down opinions of the Supreme Court at the  closed of each term of Court.

According to the judicial press release issued, on June 18, the Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor Sr. officially announced the retirement of Justice Philip A.Z. Banks, from service as Associate Justice of the Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia effective August 2018, at the close of the March AD. 2018 term of the Honorable Supreme Court.

Chief Justice Korkpor quoted that, article 72 (b) of the Liberian Constitution (1986) provides: “The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and judges of subordinate courts of record shall be retired at the age of seventy provided, however, that a justice or judge who has attained that age may continue in office for as long as may be necessary to enable him to render judgment or perform any other judicial duty in regard to proceedings entertained by him before he attained that age.”

The Chief Justice emphasized that even though Associate Justice Banks attained the retirement age of 70 on Monday June 18, 2018, Justice Banks is required to continue in office until the end of the March A.D. Term of Court to enable him perform judicial responsibilities assigned to him prior to his 70th birthday as provided for by the Constitution of Liberia (1986).

Chief Justice Korkpor also expressed heartfelt appreciation to Associate Justice Banks for his dedication, commitment and immeasurable service to the Judiciary Branch of Government in particular and the Republic of Liberia in general during his tenure on the Supreme Court Bench as Associate Justice.

The Chief Justice extended on behalf of the Associate Justices, Judges and the entire Judiciary Branch of Government wishes Associate Justice Philip A.Z. Banks,III, a very happy and blissful 70th birthday and prays for God’s continuous  blessings upon his life  and future endeavors .

His honor Korkpor is quoted as saying an appropriate retirement program will be organized at the close of June term of court in honor of the retired Associate Justice Banks.

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