Monrovia City Mayor-designate Sets First 180-Day Goal, Promises Jobs For Students


Monrovia City Mayor-designate Sets First 180-Day Goal, Promises Jobs For Students

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-11 February 2018:Monrovia City Mayor-designate Jefferson Koijee Friday, February 9, faced the Senate’s Committee on Internal Affairs for his confirmation hearing.

Koijee had appeared before the Committee, which is chaired by Senator Gble-Gbo Browne of Maryland County, to convince its members on why it should confirm him as Monrovia City next Mayor.

He told the Committee on Internal Affairs that if confirmed he will work in collaboration with the Legislature to create quick impact jobs for young people, especially those of the student population, in order to subsidize the burden of tuition.

“Just a few days ago students of the University of Liberia were in protest for the reopening of registration.”

“Distinguished Senators, I want to say to you this burden we have come to share with you for the fact that we are a member of this generation,” Koijee said.

As Mayor, he said, the Monrovia City Corporation will launch its first 180-day manifesto, which would take into consideration a clean and green city with support from donors and partners.

Koijee gained his fame and admiration for being a ‘fearless’ youth advocate when he served as Chairman of the Youth Wing of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), comprising the Liberian People Democratic Party (LPDP), and the National Patriotic Party (NPP).

His confirmation was grace with a huge turnout of partisans of the CDC and workers of the MCC who gathered in the joint chambers of the Legislature to witness the hearing.

He is one of few very young Liberians nominated by President George Weah to work in his administration. If confirmed, he will replace Madam Clara Doe Mvogo.

Koijee is expected to get a hundred percent approval from the Committee members as most of them who attended the hearing, promised to vote for his confirmation as Monrovia’s next Mayor. If confirmed he will be the youngest Mayor to have ascended to that position. The Monrovia City Mayor-designate promised to work with staff to improve the city.

The Mayor-designate also said his administration would continue to try to build trust between the city police force and its residents

Koijee predecessor Clara Doe-Mvogo is the former Mayor of Monrovia and Chair of the Monrovia City Council.

During the Ebola Virus Disease crisis, she served as Co-Chair for the Montserrado County Incident Management System for Ebola, and also as Chair of the Medical Waste Management System for Ebola Response Committee.

She has served as National Technical Coordinator of the West Africa Quality Program for ECOWAS and UEMOA, which was implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

In that position, she was responsible for the establishment of the National Standards Laboratory of Liberia for the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

She worked as a consultant on a study on gender issues conducted by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in Liberia.

She provided technical assistance in the establishment of Quality Assurance Program for the Ghana Health Services Regional Hospital laboratories.

Mrs. Mvogo holds a Master of Arts Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology and Chemistry, and is a registered Medical Technologist.

She is a past President of the Rotary Club of Sinkor, Liberia, and member of the Board of Trustee of the AME University in Liberia.

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