Vice President-elect Jewel Taylor: "Unity In Bong County Is A Must “


Vice President-elect Jewel Taylor: "Unity In Bong County Is A Must “

IPNews-Monrovia-Liberia- 8 January 2018 2018: Vice President-elect Senator Jewel Howard Taylor has underscored the necessity for unity of Bong Citizens.

Madam Taylor stated that it was time the leadership of Bong County to put aside their personal interest and work together to improve the county.

Speaking to a cross-section of citizens recently in the county, Senator Taylor said personal interest has led to the in-completion of several projects in the county.

The Liberian Vice President-elect attributed the in-completion of the Bong County Technical College to personal interest and lack of unity especially among leaders of the county.

More than seven million United States dollars is said to have been allocated for the construction of the Bong County Technical College in the County but is yet to be completed.

Madam Taylor pointed out that the county will not move forward if leaders of the county continue to only seek for things that will benefit themselves rather than the greater good of the county.

The newly elected Vice President said that the time has come for every citizen, particularly leaders of the county to put aside self-aggrandizement and prioritize the interest of the county and country in general.

She said she will continue to work with the county legislative caucus and local authority to ensure unity of the county accelerates development.

Madam Taylor: “Bong County is bigger than every citizen, as such, it is important to work together for the good of the county”.

At the same time, the Vice President-elect has commended citizens of the county for their support during the run-off election and encourage those who did not support her party to unite  and put aside their difference for the growth and development of the county.

“Let us forget about politics and come together to build our county. Probably I may have hurt someone in the process, but I want to say sorry to you all…” Senator Taylor said.

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