Peter Quaqua Tells Gov’t : “ Reform media laws and enable the legal environment for press freedom”


Peter Quaqua Tells Gov’t : “ Reform media laws and enable the legal environment for press freedom”

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 May 2018: The President of the West Africa Journalists Association (WAJA), Peter Quaqua, is calling on governments of the ECOWAS countries  to encourage necessary reforms in domestic laws which undermines the substance of a free media laws and an  enabling legal environment for expression of free speech and press freedom.

Quaqua stated that all West African counties must insist on the independence of the judiciary in dispensing justice to ordinary people including the Media.

The WAJA President statement was contained in a message released by its President World Press Freedom Day, held in Happer, Maryland County, on May 3, 2018.

He said if there is independent judiciary in the region, democracy is protected and justice assured.

“Additionally, governments must spare no efforts in bringing to justice people who deliberately kill journalists to demonstrate their commitment to press freedom and fight against impunity,” statement indicated.

Peter Quaqua further call for coexistence between governments functionaries and the media in decriminalizing laws that have the propensity to undermine the workings of the media and freedom of the press.

Peter Quaqua: “Let’s restore confidence of our citizens in the legal and justice systems. Let’s strengthen and sustain democracy across the sub-region by giving voice to all our people regardless of where they are. Important still, let’s remain honest and ethical with the public trust.”

He lauded the Media and civil organizations, the international and regional organizations,  for the overwhelming consciousness created for press freedom.

Quaqua said journalists and media workers continuous to be subjected to all forms of harassment, torture, attack and sometimes imprisonment and death in the performance of their jobs.

“The sacrifices we journalists make are well documented because we are the real guarantors of democracy, freedom and justice; that is why we are celebrated on May 3 every year around the world.”

This World Press Freedom Day which coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Windhoek declaration under the theme “Keeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of Law”.

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