ADI Sets Record Straight, Implements ten projects across Liberia Contrary to Negative Reports

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ADI Sets Record Straight, Implements ten projects across Liberia Contrary to Negative Reports

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-4 March 2018:A pro-democracy Civil Society organization, GRAND COALITION OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN LIBERIA, says in furtherance of its fact-finding initiatives recently lunch to ascertain facts surrounding a report in the media emanating from a purported Civil Society Organization name and styled Civil Society Construction Watch allegation of bad labor practice and implementing contracts without PPCC regulations against ADI Contractors, has gathered additional facts that substantiates the invalidity of the groups allegations against the company.

The GRAND COALITION OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN LIBERIA stated that its findings shows that ADI Contractors has over the years gained enormous experience in the construction industry for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings as well as feeder and rigid pavement roads, etc .

“We wish to state categorically that ADI Contractors has over the years gained enormous experience in the construction industry for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings as well as feeder and rigid pavement roads, etc.”.

The group National Chairman, Alfred C. Tugbeh, says  ADI Contractors’ has an array of professionalism, skills, qualifications and experience which puts the company ahead of their competitors in the construction industry.

Mr. Tugbeh, said it is highly foolhardy for a rag tag Civil Society Organization calling itself Civil Society Construction Watch to delve into a calculated mischief against a company (ADI) that has contributed immensely to the government of Liberia’s reconstruction drive.

Alfred C. Tugbeh further said that for the record and a testimonial to the volume of projects implemented by ADI Contractors, the Grand Coalition of Civil Society Organizations in Liberia will throw out a challenge to anybody including the self-styled and purported Civil Society Construction Watch to provide proof that the projects were implemented outside of PPCC regulations and employees and contractors working for ADI has complained  against any form of bad labor practice.

He named projects implemented by ADI Contractors as the   Construction of Rigid Pavement for the National Port Authority; the Renovation at JFK Hospital, including its  Exterior Façade Improvement and Eye Clinic.

Tugbeh, alkso name the  Renovation of Maritime Facilities at Maritime Institute in Marshal; the Construction of Administrative Building for NASSCORP, 24th Street Sinkor;  Renovation of Police accommodation Block building at LNP Barrack Camp Johnson Road;  U.S. Embassy Duct Buck Construction;  Construction and Renovation of VIP/Business Lounge Terminal-B at Roberts International Airport;  Construction of backup center for Central Bank of Liberia;  Construction of the Anatomy laboratory Building and palava huts for students A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicine, UL and the Construction of GT Bank Building, 13th Street Sinkor.

The GRAND COALITION OF CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN LIBERIA, views the strayed and pseudo attacks against the reputation of ADI Contractors is being sponsored by a gang of rival construction companies that are overwhelmed by the kind of quality works undertaken by the company for which ADI has ranked very high in the construction industry.

“Given the trend these pseudo and strayed attacks has taken the Grand Coalition of Civil Society Organizations in Liberia state categorically that it will expose the identity of companies that are bent on sowing seeds of discord in the construction industry in an apparent attempt to satisfy their personal whims.”

“ We also want to use this medium to call on the Minster of Public Works, Hon. Mobutu Nyenpan to be mindful of this gang of Construction Companies classified as poor performers in the construction industry of Liberia and whose ultimate aim is to undermine bigger companies that have demonstrated quality work performance as the case of ADI Contractors.” The release concluded.

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