70 Vehicles Retrieved From EX-Officials – says Minister Samuel Worzie

Laws & Order

70 Vehicles Retrieved From EX-Officials – says Minister Samuel Worzie

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-28 March 2018:Following the tenure of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf administration, the CDC led government, has been faced with serious mobility challenges, thus causing hindrance to the smooth working of some government officials in the country, and says a report.

It is against this back drop that President George Manneh Weah constituted a Special Presidential Task Force to retrieve all government-owned vehicles in the possession of former government officials, with the mandate of two weeks deadline.

Speaking on progress of the SPTF the head of secretariat, of the SPTF and Assistance Minster for Information Service at the Ministry of Information Culture Affairs (MICAT) said it has retrieved about seventy government vehicles so far.

He made the disclosure yesterday in an interview with reporters at the Ministry of Information office where he noted that 30 out of the over 60 vehicles need minimum maintenance work before it be operational.

According to him, the intent of the exercises is to avoid the wasteful spending of the government, adding “retrieve vehicles from former officials of government will be reissued to some of the current officials of government s who have not received vehicle” he added.

He then used the occasion to disclose that the SPTF is currently working on the dispatch of high power delegation to rural Liberia in search of vehicles, which is expected to kick off before the rainy session.

“The government of President George Weah is united, and the government is conscience in delivering what is expected by the Liberian people. So we want to assure our people across the country and the world that president Weah will do everything to make Liberia a better country” he noted.

The mandate of the presidential task force is to retrieve government vehicles that are illegally in the possession of individuals of government institutions, and the second part of that mandate is to conduct physical inspection and verification of documents.

Those named to the Task Force include Mr. Benedict E.E. Reeves, Chair, Hon. Patrick Sudue, Inspector General of Police, Mr. Sam Worzie, Member, Mr. Garmondeh Glaydor, Members, Mr. Isaiah T. Harris, Fleet Specialist and Robena L. Brown, Member among others.

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