Dr. Wilhemina Jallah Takes Over As Minister of Health


Dr. Wilhemina Jallah Takes Over As Minister of Health

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-28 March 2018: Health Minister Dr. Wilhemina S. Jallah, has formally taken over as Minister of Health , at an elaborate ceremony held at the central office of the Ministry in Old Congo Town.

Addressing health workers, Dr. Wilhemina S. Jallah stated that she would continue to work to ensure that all works started by her predecessors are completed.

Dr. Jallah, said the ministry of Health within a few days will embark upon series of  rigorous processes of ensuring it collaborate with the National Legislature in drafting an appropriate fiscal budget for the operations of the Ministry.

“We’ve come to this Ministry with a spirit of team-work and we will require the collective efforts of all including members of the Committee on Health at both houses of the National legislature in aiding us by ensuring the draft budget for appropriation of the health sector is full approve.”

Dr. Jallah named eight priority areas of immediate concentration as Minister of Health.

She stated that as part of her immediate plans she would collectively work with partners of the health sector in the drastic reduction of Maternal and infant mortality as one of its priority.

She said also that as part of her immediate plans, the government will address the issue of mental health; with an urgent relocation of the Catharine Mills rehabilitation center from current conjected location in oldest Congo Town to another location.

Speaking further, Health Minister Dr. Jallah noted that the Ministry of Health will begin the revision of current health regulations and policies to determine appropriate decisions for the acceleration of health delivery across the country in accordance with the ‘Pro-Poor agenda’ of National government.

On the issue of transparency and accountability; Dr. Jallah , call on all programs and departments of the Ministry of health to ensure there is proper utilization of funds allocated for implementation of health activities across the country.

Dr. Wilhemina S. Jallah: “ I know we got people sometimes wanting to still keep their old ways in dealing with disbursement and unitization of money intended for implementation of health programmes and activities. I say to you here today that we will require full transparency and accountability in the management of entrusted funds from heads of programs and departments, especially due to important component to ensuring proper usage of donor funds under the framework of the Pro-Poor Agenda and if anyone wants to test our resolve to ensuring this, they must well as step to the door as we will not tolerate any form of malfeasant at the Ministry of Health.”

Furthermore, Dr. Jallah, indicated that as part of ensuring a speedy revitalization of the health system which had its lowest form at the result of the Ebola crisis, the Ministry of Health will urgently embark upon an assessment of major health facilities across the country to ensuring proper medical supplies and health workers are assign to deliver health care.

Importantly, Dr. Jallah emphasized the issue of proper management of medical drug and supplies at clan, district, County and National levels to ensuring there are full medical supplies available.

“Let me emphasize this! We know what had happen in the passed with workers of the Ministry of Health and the National Drugs Service in the selling of tons of drugs and medical supplies intended for health delivery to privately owned drug stores and clinic across the country. Now, let me sent out this warning that, when you are caught in such practice we can assure you that you will be process and prosecuted under the laws of Liberia. Dr. Jallah emphasized.

Addressing issues of medical graduates students being on the payroll, Dr. Jallah said she has instructed the Human Resource department begin immediate placement of those effected students on the payroll with ghost names recently identified on the ministry of health payroll and pledged to provide greater incentives for health workers taking up assignment in rural and hard to reach parts of Liberia.

Speaking earlier, Senate Chairman on Health, Dr. Peter Coleman, call on Dr. Wilhemina S. Jallah, to properly address the issue of payroll paring which continue to be one of the major challenges encountered at the Ministry of Health.

He lauded Health Minister Jallah, for the courage exhibited during a rigorous process of her confirmation which signifies the overwhelming desire of the Liberian Senate, especially the committee on health to properly vet nominees to the Ministry of Health.

He calls on Dr. Wilhemina S. Jallah, to work with the staff at the Ministry in dealing with the major challenges confronting the health sector.

“We know, there had been hurts along the way, but Madam Minister, I encourage you to utilized the professional skills and best brains of the Ministry in addressing most of the challenges facing the Ministry of Health.” Senator Coleman said.

Senator Coleman, pledged the Committees of Health continue resolve to aiding the Minister of Health in passing appropriate laws to safeguard the sector especially budgetary appropriation in the fiscal National budget.

For his part, House Chairman on Health, Hon. Saah Joseph thanked staff of the Ministry of Health for keeping the doors of the sector open while the Minister was undergoing her confirmation.

He stressed the concerns of majority of health workers, especially those in rural Liberia for the inclusion on the Liberia government payroll.

Hon. Joseph, said it was very important to ensure all health workers are place on government payroll if the pro poor agenda of the government must be meant.

Hon. Joseph: “ Last week madam Minister we learnt of the discovery of nearly 3,000 ghost names on the Ministry of health payroll, while others are working for the last six to seven years without being place on the payroll. This is not fair and I encourage you Madam Minister to ensure the issue of payroll is adequately address in a timely fashion.”

Hon. Saah Joseph further disclosed that his organization the ‘First Responder’, has negotiated a total of 160 containers of medical supplies awaiting shipment to Liberia to enhance the government of Liberia pro poor agenda in the provision of quality health care delivery.

“ We want to ensure those medical supplies are fully utilize to ensuring that the agenda of this government to providing quality health care delivery to our people are fully realized.”

He promised to work with the Ministry of Health in negotiating other avenue for the provision of modern medical equipment to ensure no Liberian is taken out of Liberia for medical treatment within the next six months.

Representative Saah Joseph, further call on Health Ministry to ensure she collaborate with relevant government institutions to ensure the transportation of the 160 containers of medical supplies to Liberia.

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