NEC Dismises UP`s Claims

Laws & Order

NEC Dismises UP`s Claims

T. Lula Jaurey

IPNews-Monrovia , Liberia -27 March 2018:The National Election Commission has dismissed Unity Party’s claims in the case involving Patrick Worzie, Secretary General and National Executive Committee Members (NEC) versus Joseph N. Boakia, Standard Bearer of the Unity Party.

In the dismissal of the claims, the NEC Commissioner Jonathan Weedor did the final ruling on behalf of the Board of Commissioners on March 26, 2018 at the National Election Commission in Monrovia.

Jonathan Weedor said, the Board observed that the caption of the instant case reads that Patrick Worzie, Secretary General and National Executive Committee Members (NEC) of the Unity Party (UP) are the petitioners, versus Joseph N. Boakai Standard Bearer of the Unity Party and Wilmot Paye, National Chairman National Executive Committee members of the Unity Party as respondents. The pleadings revealed that the case concerns an intra-party dispute.

The Board further observed that Section 2.9 (w) of the New Elections Law of 1986 grants the National Elections Commission(NEC) the power to “issues citation for the appearance before it of any political party or its leaders, or other natural persons in connection with any complaint cognizably before it.

On this extra party, appellants appeal from the chief dispute hearing officers pretrial ruling, dismissing appellants petition of alleged illegal expulsion, having heard arguments from the parties and considered the record.

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