LMDI Concludes Quizzing Finale -Fatima High School Emerges Winner


LMDI Concludes Quizzing Finale -Fatima High School Emerges Winner

Reagan Lebbie

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-12 March 2018:The Liberia Media Development Initiative (LMDI) has successfully concluded the quizzing finale with Fatima High School in Maryland County walking away with the grand prize.

The Fatima High School defeated Shirley Kolmer with 200 at the well-attended quizzing program. The grand final of the quizzing competition was held Friday March 9,2018 at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church in Sinkor.

On the Friday, counties that were qualified for the final included Montserrado, Maryland, Bong counties. In the competition Shirley Kolmer Memorial High defeated Ricks Institute with 250 points, while Ricks Institute went down with 245.

Furthermore, the final quizzing competition was between Sister Shirley Kolmer Memorial High School in Barnersville and Fatima High School in Mary County.

In a statement, the LMDI chief moderator showered praises to the Almighty God for the end of the grand final of the competition which ended in a grand style.

According to Tonier Gibson, the Liberia educational system was once called a messy system, so the competition is meant to restore the messy system through hard studies for Liberian students. He highlighted access to funding for academic 2017 competition as a serious challenge.

Gibson also used the occasion to congratulate individuals and organizations for directly or indirectly contributing to the 2017 LMDI quizzing program.

For his part, the head of the West African Examination Council, David Gbotoe labeled praises on Liberian students ahead of the upcoming West African Examination Council Senior Secondary School Examination (WAECSSE).

Speaking at the closing program of the LMDI annual quizzing competition year two running Director Gbotoe said he foresees brighter future for Liberian students, pointing out that the Liberian educational sector is gradually moving a step forward.

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