‘Substandard Private Schools Increasing’ -Says Human Rights Activist

Laws & Order

‘Substandard Private Schools Increasing’ -Says Human Rights Activist

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-12 March 2018:The Program Coordinator of Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL) wants the Liberian Government through the Ministry of Education (MOE) to conduct vigorous assessments on private schools in the country to weave out the ‘substandard ones’.

Sam Nimley said while they appreciate the contributions of private schools for their efforts toward preparing the future leaders of the country, there are some that need real scrutiny before they can operate as private schools.

The RAL’s boss said such assessments will ensure that students are transferred from the unfit or unqualified private schools to the ones that are ready to operate as partners to the government.

Speaking over the weekend as keynote speaker at the induction ceremony of the student council government of the St. Gabriel Catholic School in Brewerville city, Nimley also said those unqualified private schools charged exorbitant school fees without adequately preparing the students.

He said following such vigorous assessments on private schools, those that meet the requirements of the government and its multilateral partners will now be provided subsidies to beef up their operations in the country.

“The government must provide subsidies to the private schools that ready and prepared to help with the education of the country. The government should carry on assessment of private schools in the country to identify the unfit ones or substandard ones and transfer its students to the qualified ones,” Nimley said.

At the same time, the longtime human rights advocate wants the Ministry of Education to ensure that human rights education is seriously added to the curriculum of the country.

According to him, this will ensure that students are aware of their fundamental rights and responsibilities as human rights goes with responsibility to avoid abuses and have respect for rule of law.

“This will make our students to have insights of regional and international human rights instruments ratified or signed on behalf of citizens of Liberia,” he added.

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