Regional Member States, West African Health Organisation (WAHO), Africa CDC, US CDC, and IANPHI gathered for a Crucial Meeting on reinforcing National Public Health Institutes in West Africa, 11-14 March, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria

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Regional Member States, West African Health Organisation (WAHO), Africa CDC, US CDC, and IANPHI gathered for a Crucial Meeting on reinforcing National Public Health Institutes in West Africa, 11-14 March, 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria

IPNEWS: The West African Health Organization (WAHO) through the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Surveillance and Disease Control (RCSDC), in collaboration with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. CDC), and the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), organized a pivotal meeting on “Strengthening National Public Health Institutes in West Africa” from March 11 to 14, 2024, at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel in Abuja, Nigeria. National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) are vital in providing leadership, coordination, and evidence-based decision-making for essential public health functions. This workshop aims to accelerate the establishment and strengthening of NPHIs in West Africa.

This will involve sharing best practices and lessons learned from established NPHIs in the region, address current or anticipated challenges faced by countries developing or Abuja, Nigeria, 12 March. 2024. 01 BP 153 Bobo-Dioulasso 01-Province du Houet – 175 Av. Dr Ouezzin Coulibaly, Bobo-Dioulasso – Burkina Faso www. considering the establishment of NPHIs, discuss actions needed to accelerate the establishment of NPHIs in West Africa and explore the roles of WAHO, Africa CDC, and other partners in supporting this acceleration. The meeting brings together directors of NPHIs in West Africa, leaders, subject matter experts, and focal points from existing NPHIs, as well as senior officials from ministries of Health engaged in discussions on the establishment of NPHIs as well as technical and financial partners supporting NPHI development in the region.

In this four-day meeting, well established NPHIs will share insights and experience on their journey to facilitate peer to pear learning, likewise, countries establishing NPHIs will discuss current and anticipated challenges in the development of NPHIs. Participants will discuss current and anticipated challenges faced by countries in the development of NPHIs and collectively explore strategies to expedite the creation and strengthening of NPHIs in the region. The meeting will define the roles of WAHO/RCSDC, Africa CDC, US CDC, IANPHI and other partners in supporting the acceleration of NPHIs in ECOWAS region.

Dr. Olajide Idriss, The Director General of Nigeria Center for Disease Control and Prevention, NCDC, in his opening remarks stated that: โ€œThis workshop is not just a forum for a dialogue but a catalyst for tangible progress in public health across West Africa. Your expertise, insights, and dedication are essential as we work towards establishing and strengthening NPHIs in West Africa. Together, let us make this workshop a milestone event in our journey towards stronger, more resilient public health institutes in West Africaโ€.

Dr. Virgil Lokossou, The Executive Director of ECOWAS Regional Center for Surveillance and Disease Control, WAHO said that: “The establishment and strengthening of National Public Health Institutes in West Africa is a shared priority for WAHO, Africa CDC, US CDC and IANPHI. This meeting will serve as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective action to enhance public health in the region. It reflects the spirit of cooperation and knowledge exchange that defines our collective pursuit of excellence in public health initiativesโ€.

The Director, Public Health, Nigeriaโ€™s Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Chukwuma Anyaike, in his welcome remarks highlighted that โ€œit is expected that at the end of this meeting, we would have learned from each other, we would have talked together, and Abuja, Nigeria, 12 March. 2024. 01 BP 153 Bobo-Dioulasso 01-Province du Houet – 175 Av. Dr Ouezzin Coulibaly, Bobo-Dioulasso – Burkina Faso www. would proffered solutions towards securing the lives of people in the West Africa region, and in Africa in generalโ€.

Dr. Raji Tajudeen, of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) said that: โ€œNPHI remains among the critical priority areas of Africa CDC in strengthening health security on the continent, he reiterated the Africa CDC DGโ€™s commitment to ensure all Member States have a strong NPHI.

In supporting this agenda, Africa CDC in collaboration with IANPHI and other partners developed a framework to guide development of NPHIs on the continent. Progress has also been made in the number of Member States with fully established NPHIs from 14 in 2017 to 23 in 2024โ€.

Mrs. Ellen Whitney of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI), expressed optimism that at the end the workshop member states of the West Africa region would be equipped with a better understanding of the challenges and facilitators for establishing and strengthening national public health institutes, learning from their peers who have successfully established a national public health institute.

Dr. Farah Husain U. S. CDC/DGHP Program Director for Nigeria, said that: โ€œEstablishing and strengthening NPHIs is a priority for U. S. CDC and we are happy to support this effort along with other partners here. We all know a disease threat anywhere is a disease threat everywhere. Thus, a global network of interconnected and data-driven institutions is critical to address these and other concerns. That is the aim of this workshop with the hope to build a stronger, more resilient community of NPHIsโ€.

About the Organizers: โ€ข WAHO: The West African Health Organization is a specialized agency of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) responsible for the health issues of the region with the primary objective of addressing regional health challenges, fostering cooperation among member states, and promoting the well-being of West African populations.

โ€ข Africa CDC: The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a specialized technical institution of the African Union that strengthens the capacity and capability of Africa’s public health institutions to detect and respond quickly to diseases and emergencies.

Abuja, Nigeria, 12 March. 2024. 01 BP 153 Bobo-Dioulasso 01-Province du Houet – 175 Av. Dr Ouezzin Coulibaly, Bobo-Dioulasso – Burkina Faso www. โ€ข U.S. CDC: The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a national public health institute committed to protecting public health and safety through the control and prevention of diseases, injuries, and disabilities. โ€ข IANPHI: The International Association of National Public Health Institutes is a global organization that works to develop strong, independent, and effective national public health institutes around the world.

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