Liberia: Chief Tamba Taylor Identifies With Less Fortunate, Visually Impaired


Liberia: Chief Tamba Taylor Identifies With Less Fortunate, Visually Impaired

IPNEWS: More than two decades after the civil war, the people of Liberia are still overwhelmed with poor healthcare delivery, sanitation, especially access to quality primary education.

Over the last three years, We Dream In Color Foundation continues to provide more food, clothing, shoes, school materials, including backpacks and toys, to less fortunate kids, including others living with disabilities in Monrovia, such as paying the teachers` salaries for month after discovering they haven’t been paid to teach their students in almost a year.

During a week-long visit to the country between February 25 and March 1, 2024, Chief Dr. Quinton Tamba Taylor de’ Alexander, the vision-bearer of We Dream In Color, made four charitable contributions to the Bill Rogers Youth Foundation, Women For Positive Actions, The Theola Bright Foundation, Liberia Athletics Federation, Life Preparatory Academy in Caldwell, and a few surprises along the way, such as paying the teachers` salaries for month after discovering they haven’t been paid to teach their students in almost a year, after fulfilling an unplanned request to tour the Rev. H. Nyumah School campus in West Point by ‘Abigail David’.

Chief Taylor and blind children

The areas of intervention were education, youth and women empowerment, and the arts. “The purpose of presenting the charitable contributions to these particular organizations is because I believe fully in their missions to empower the people and communities they serve,” Chief Tamba Taylor tells reporters.

“Generally,” he adds, “many are living at a disadvantage due to lack of financial resources. Whether I’m in Africa or United States of America, for the last three years I’ve followed these organizations closely and I’ve witnessed the results and empowerment of the people they serve daily.”

In the last three years, We Dream In Color Foundation has shipped multiple barrels of educational supplies, new clothing and shoes to various nonprofits, farm supplies and work boots, COVID-19 preventative supplies, delivered laptop computers, sponsored athletes in the Liberia Marathon, and assisted with school fees. The Foundation continues to provide assistance in the development of entrepreneurship skills programs.

Chief Taylor and students

Other interventions include the completion of the construction of both playground in honor of the late ‘Paramount Chief Tamba Taylor’, and a religious sanctuary.

The Foundation has also partnered to introduce many, for their first time, to experience the richness of Liberia’s history showcasing the National Museum of Liberia, the relics of the Liberian arts and cultural heritage.

According to Chief Taylor, “funding is always needed for organizations whose mission is to be the voice and eyes for people who are often overlooked, unheard and unseen. Many nonprofits are self funded.” He iterates that due to the challenges of obtaining funding, many are cutting back on services, or even closing their doors.

Chief Tamba Taylor, who has personally been donating to various organizations, charities and villages consistently since 2020, says returning to Liberia, he just couldn’t come home and not surprise a few of them with a small blessing of love. “I feel as a leader, you should reach out and lift up the people you love and serve …especially family.”

Chief Tamba Taylor dreams

From the very second, he received the chieftaincy of ‘Chief Tamba Taylor’ on December 3, 2020 at the historic Providence Island, Dr. Quinton Tamba Taylor de’ Alexander says he inherited a family who has showered him with much love.

“The most important things in the world is family and love. I was blessed with chieftaincy in 2020. I also understood my assignment that came with this historic honor,” he adds. As part of his responsibility, the Culture Ambassador, says he decided to utilize a part of his ‘We Dream In Color Foundation Inc, USA’ to be a bridge that closes the gap by empowering the less fortunate in the areas of education and food shortage.

Periodically for the last three years, Tamba Taylor has shipped barrels of educational supplies and dry goods such as beans and rice to villages he toured and witnessed dire poverty and a need for urgent assistance.

Having followed the activities of many organizations over the years, Dr. de` Alexander says “When you follow closely, you see the good the organizations are doing, as well as discover some of the challenges they’re facing as well. I always say. When a person truly has your best interest at heart, you don’t have to ask for assistance.”

Often times, he emphasizes that having seen the activities of these organizations, people will now clearly see the challenges the organizations are faced with and would feel their pains as well. “I’ve decided to make a contribution in various areas.”

Commenting also on President Joseph N. Boakai`s powerful call to utilizing the country`s resources together be it financial, educational, talents or time effectively to lift up Mama Liberia and all of her children, the Liberian Culture Ambassador reveals that “utilizing our resources effectively together we can teach our young men and women business models to become wealthy entrepreneurs and create generational wealth.”

According to him, Liberia is a rare gem ready to be discovered by the world. “Just imagine if we worked together polishing the dust off her coat. The beauty of its colors would illuminate so bright, that people would travel globally to witness her magnificence and experience the richness of her Liberian culture.”

With a great support system and a group established to assist his Liberian family whether in Africa or America, Chief Taylor says ‘We Dream In Color Chicago USA Village’ has shipped over 50 barrels. “We don’t keep count. However, over 50 barrels have been shipped. We just love lifting our family up in their time of need. As part of the body of Christ, we are called to …bear one another’s burdens,” he says.

Chief Dr. Quinton Tamba Taylor de’ Alexander is a self starter, self motivating and go getter that loves, adores and treasures his Liberian family. As well as respects and honors their mother ‘Mama Liberia’.

The Chief sees the full potential of what Liberia could be to the world globally as the perfect investment opportunity, and serving as a top vacation destination.

He’s one that believes in letting his actions speak for him and understands the importance of ceasing the moment and never letting an opportunity go to waste.

“Most importantly, I love being the voice and eyes for the people most overlooked and underserved due to the lack of resources and education,” he tells the reporter during his recent visit to Liberia. “My vision is quite clear.

He says “seeing the day when all our African families will fellowship together in divine order to reenergize our legacies and rich cultures for all to witness and experience globally its magnificence”.

The Liberian Culture Ambassador also says he is preparing to ship additional barrels of necessities to various organizations and villages. “I originally was going to contribute to one organization, but the need for assistance if high. I’ve decided to break it down to present four organizations with $500, and others with lesser amounts.

According to him, one thing he would like to see in the near future is more engagements and activities including the elders, especially with events geared to celebrating and preserving their health and fitness. “With elders` fitness classes, dances and game nights, it’s very important to let them know and feel that they are wanted, needed, loved, and valued. Staying active and involved is surely a way to remain healthy, physically and mentally.”

According to Chief Taylor, with age, comes wisdom, so just by taking the time to sit and listen, “mental empowerment could be inherited from their life’s experiences ‘good or bad’ to move our beloved country and people forward to a place where everyone could discover prosperity and peace to “Dream Big and Dream In Color”.

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