Steve Sheppard Remembers Native Liberia Story


Steve Sheppard Remembers Native Liberia Story

Jumanji tells me a deep story again.Β  The Zulu word was known in my family and the old East India tea company that had remained from the opium empire that had existed at one time.Β  Moses Sheppard was a story in my father’s family; I never really understood my father.Β  There was something missing; something mysterious about being a Sheppard.Β  The Sheppard and Enoch Pratt hospital in Towson, Maryland was surely a place to receive opium products of some good nature.Β  Baltimore merchants may have held on to the “good stuff” during the Civil War; some kind of gun powdered ecstasy was still in my thoughts.Β  The old gun powdered heroin Moses and his family knew was extremely good to the users; that created a demand for secrecy as the stuff was sold at a peak Moses had known simple.Β  Opium was still legal; it was the mobs of user’s men needed to control.Β  Gun powdered ecstasy from Egypt would be at the very top of a great society that was coming to an end slowly.

Over the years I have read plenty about history.Β  The dry nature of history without mention of the opium would make big deep holes in all modern-day stories.Β  “Jumanji” became a movie in America; it may have been a very real game and adventure in my father’s family.

Steve with Sisters young

The year 1914 changed a lot of things in America; the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 stopped the legal use of narcotics.Β  The opium trade in Liberia seems to bring back a fresh memory of Robertsport especially.Β  Lake Piso was so pretty; the diamonds fascinated the adventurers.Β  I can still feel the great lake going down a spiral staircase of mineral in the earth.Β  I can see another angle and another dimension of lake Piso from Bangor.Β  The lake surely has negatively charged minerals down in the mantle.

The tourists of the 20th century must have surely loved the adventure to Lake Piso especially.Β  Jumanji could have been so pure; so uncut and clean with vodou magic and Africa adventure.Β  I believe the actual game of Jumanji truly existed at Robertsport at one time.

I can almost understand the design and program of ground and constant adventure.Β  Polio itself may have been part of the great staff in America; I do not know for sure.

In my life I had to work extremely hard for the little I do have now; I am just a veteran of the navy in Maine.Β  Veterans Affairs has helped me greatly in Maine.

I wanted to write to the people of Baltimore, Africa and to Liberia; to give you all hope that something interesting awaits again.Β  The spirit of Lake Piso is still in my dreams and thoughts.Β  Americans can order poppy petals from Amazon to eat with the food; that should help the old family.

I have ab negative type blood; I have always loved maps and great adventures.Β  I live in Maine now; where I have seen everything.Β  Over the years I have travelled America to see it all.Β  I know this plate well, but the Jumanji is so dry and dumb.

There is a grave in Hudson, Maine where a graveyard still exists.Β  The old “Mohawk graveyard” is interesting; I feel some kind of Jumanji in the ground at that particular graveyard.Β  It would surely rest in peace in Hudson for awhile if Jumanji did exist this far in Maine.

Maine is the crown of the adventure now with me; Maine can be so pretty.

Steve Tiffin 1987-88

I am patient about my own return to Liberia; I would like to bring many motorcycles and gifts upon my own return.Β  I pray for the Sheppards that serve the church in Liberia still.Β  That is your first family of Liberia.Β  I’m sure we all care for you and hope you are rich enough.

God bless the people of Liberia; I seem to have met you in the past also.

Steven Christopher Sheppard…son of Lane Hamilton Sheppard….son of Samuel Howard Sheppard

Pictures of Steve Sheppard…Navy submarine command, Tiffin University Quarterback and punter 1987-88, My two sisters Deanna and Melissa and I as children in Virginia.Β  Deanna is the oldest sister; I am the oldest son in my father’s family.

Ab negative blood came from my mother’s family this time.

Take care and peace be with you all,

Steve Sheppard

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