Liberia: Unity Party Draws Political ‘First Blood’ – Over Boakai’s Health Condition


Liberia: Unity Party Draws Political ‘First Blood’ – Over Boakai’s Health Condition

–A News Analysis

IPNEWS-Monrovia: In the last couple of days, some partisans of the former governing Unity Party (UP), including the leadership have shifted blame and accused the ruling establishment and other opposition bloc members of politicizing the health condition of its Political Leader and Standard
Bearer, former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai.

Former Vice President Joseph Boakai and UP Political Leader and Standard Bearer. “The UP informs the public that Amb. Boakai is fine and in good health.”

Following reports that the Standard Bearer of the UP had fallen ill, the former ruling party issued a statement in which it confirmed former VP Boakai checking into a local hospital in Monrovia on Sunday January 8, 2023 for precautionary observation after he felt minor fever.

The party further went on to state: “The UP informs the public that Amb. Boakai is fine and in good health. The Unity Party notes with delight that its Standard Bearer sought medical attention at a hospital in Liberia, something which demonstrates his commitment to repose trust and confidence in Liberian institutions.”

In its first press statement, the UP took issues with the current Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-led government, headed by President Weah, when it stated that the former Vice President decided to check in a local hospital in Monrovia, unlike senior government officials of the Weah government who have to fly abroad to seek medical treatment, thus ignoring the local hospitals which are only good for ordinary Liberians but not for the elites in government.

The Unity Party had to withdraw its first press statement after public concerns that the party had politicized the health condition of its Political Leader and Standard Bearer, Amb. Joseph Boakai.

According to political pundits, that portion of the Unity Party previous press statement was politically immature and was only intended to ‘draw first blood’ at the expense of the governing CDC and other opposition politicians who are not supporting the UP’s bid to reclaim state power after 12 years of previous governance.

One political pundit asserted: “When last did the former governing Unity Party know that our local hospitals are good enough for their political leader and standard bearer to seek medical attention there instead of going abroad? Has the UP forgotten for 12 consecutive years of its rule, top government officials always sought medical treatment abroad, ignoring the very local hospitals that it says it has explicit confidence in today? This is pure political hypocrisy on the part of the former governing Unity Party.”

And as if the press statement that chided the governing CDC government was not enough, some partisans of the former ruling UP took to the airwaves on various talk shows to cry out that some politicians and Liberians are politicizing the health conditions of their Standard Bearer and Political Leader, Amb. Joseph Boakai.

Who drew first blood? Who stated in their press statement that the former VP chose to take advantage of local medical facilities to check on his health instead of going abroad to seek medical attention as the current batch of senior government officials do? These are million dollar questions lingering on the minds of the ordinary Liberian, as well as politicians from all divides.

Amb. Boakai serves as Vice President to former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for 12 consecutive years. He is said to be 78 years as he seeks to reclaim the presidency from the CDC government of President George Weah

While the Unity Party says “it is deeply gratified by the myriad of concerns from partisans, well-wishers and supporters alike and calls on the general public to remain hopeful of a better agenda for Liberia’s transformation guided by the able leadership of Amb. Joseph Nyumah Boakai,” on the other hand contrarily, they are accusing the wrong people of politicizing the health condition of their Political Leader and Standard Bearer, instead of blaming itself for shooting its in the leg.

Liberia: Confirmed – Former Vice President Admitted at ELWA Hospital

It can be recalled a local daily, FrontPage Africa  reported that – former Vice President Joseph Boakai, 78, had been admitted at the ELWA Hospital since Sunday, January 5, 2023 it had gathered. He is, however, expected to be discharged on Sunday, one of his aides had said.

While FrontPage Africa had not been able to independently verify what illness took the presidential aspirant to the hospital at the time, sources within the Unity Party confided that former VP Boakai suffered stroke on Sunday and was rushed to the ELWA Hospital where he had to undergo treatment and medical observation.

The Unity Party standard bearer has often been criticized for being too frail to contest the election. He has on multiple occasions denied having any medical condition that may hinder his performance if elected President.

UP National Chairman Rev. Dr. Luther Tarpeh. His party Secretariat politicized the VP’s health situation in stating that the former Veep chose local hospital over going abroad for medical treatment as is being done by the current government officials.

In an interview with VOA’s James Butty in 2021, Amb. Boakai said, “I’m very, very well. I took my Covid-19 vaccination and I’m doing well. I’m discharging my daily responsibility; I go on my farm, come to my office on a daily basis”.

“I know the state of my health, I am very, very well. I can assume the presidency because I haven’t been to any hospital in the last two years”.The former vice president, when asked whether he would make his health record public ahead of the 2023 presidential elections, Boakai added: “If it’s the requirement of becoming a president of Liberia then I can do that, but I think it’s not a requirement. My doctors know my status of my health; they will tell me whether it’s necessary or not. All I can tell you is that I am healthy”.

Asked about “being too old” to contest the presidency replied: “I can’t change my age and I thank God I am as old as I am. Age is about wisdom”.

Former VP Joseph Boakai Bounces Back from Hospital

Another local daily, IPNEWS quoting Unity Party Chairman, Rev. Luther J. Tarpeh reported on Wednesday night that the former Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai had been discharged from the ELWA Hospital, following a day of being admitted.

Unity Party Chairman, Rev. Luther J. Tarpeh, told IPNEWS Wednesday that the Unity Party Standard Bearer is in good health and had returned home after doctors discharged him early Wednesday morning January 11.

“I think the news was sensationalized. Former Vice President Boakai is more energetic as Unity Party prepares to face President George Weah in the ensuing October 2023 Legislative and Presidential Elections.”

“It was nothing serious as been reported. Former Vice President Boakai was advised to take bed rest as part of his regular annual medical routine,” Rev. Tarpeh told IPNEWS.

It may be recalled, news broke up late Tuesday, January 10 of the former Vice President being hospitalized.

According GNN, news outlet, the 80-year-old former Vice President has not been well and that he may have suffered from hemorrhagic stroke.

According to medical research, a stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, killing brain cells. Damage to the brain can affect how the body works. It can also change how you think and feel. The effects of a stroke depend on where it takes place in the brain, and how big the damaged area is.

Mr. Boakai is among several Presidential hopefuls seeking to defeat President George Weah at the ballot in October 2023.

He served as Vice President under former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf from 2005 to 2017, but that political union turned sour later after he criticized the administration for squandering opportunities much to the anger of Madam Sirleaf.

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