Weah’s Gov’t Seeks To Consummate Flip-flop U.A.E Railway Deal; Signed MOU on Political Consultations With U.A.E.


Weah’s Gov’t Seeks To Consummate Flip-flop U.A.E Railway Deal; Signed MOU on Political Consultations With U.A.E.

IPNews-Monrovia: It has been seven months since the government of Liberia announced it has entered an agreement with a member of Dubai’s ruling family, His Highness Sheik Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, for investment in Liberia’s energy, mining, infrastructure, and other crucial sectors.

The deal which was signed on March 1, 2019, came on the back of current assistance of the United states government through the ‘Mellienlum Challenge Accounts-Liberia, is providing nearly two hundred and fifty million United states dollars for the rehabilitation of the mount coffee hydro and the operations capacity building processes of the Liberian Electricity Corporation-LEC.

The government of Liberia stated that the memorandum of understanding, was  between the governments of Liberia , represented by Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, while  the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by Sheikh Ahmed for his investment group.

The release stated that the agreement covers foreign direct investment in Liberia and further enhances the bilateral relationship between both countries, which followed comments by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheik Mohammed Bin Zayed al Nahyan, to President George M. Weah that he holds a “special place in the hearts of my compatriots.”

Surprisingly, on July 17, 2019, Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue), one those company reported by the government of Liberia to signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) , for the upgrading of railways from the Republic of Guinean to the Port of Buchanan, in Liberia, categorically denied signing an MOU or agreement with the government  of Liberia.

Fortescue Metals Group (Fortescue) based in Pilbara, Western Australia stated that its visit to Liberia was to only discuss ‘potential economic and development opportunities’ rather than signing a formal MOU with the government of Liberia as reported.

In an email sent to the Independent Probe following an article carried on the government of Liberia official website, that it (government) had signed an agreement with Joint Corporation of Fortescue Metals Group and Al Maktoum Company, Fortescue Metals Group swiftly responded that “following what appears to be a signing ceremony by the government of Liberia, Joint Corporation of Fortescue Metals Group and Al Maktoum Company, held at the residence of President George Manneh Weah, Fortescue Communication Manager, Michael Vaughan, it was an introductory meeting rather than a MOU signing ceremony.

“A delegation led by Fortescue Founder and Chairman Andrew Forrest AO, recently visited Liberia to meet with the President and senior government officials of Liberia to discuss potential economic and development opportunities.

“These were introductory meetings and at this stage,’ no Memorandum of Understanding or other agreements between Fortescue and the Liberian Government have been signed.’ Michael Vaughan Fortescue Metals Communication Manager wrote IPNews

Now, with seven months elapsed with this deal yet to sail through, and in an apparent move to getting the deal back on track, President George Weah, on Monday, September 1, 2019, dispatched Foreign Affairs Minister, Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, to the United Arab Emirates.

According to a dispatched,  U.A.E., Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, received Liberia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, on Monday evening.

During the meeting, held at the Foreign Ministry in Abu Dhabi, both Foreign Ministers discussed ways to boost bilateral relations and cooperation and exchanged views on the latest regional developments, and tackling a number of regional and global issues of mutual interest, including the resuscitation of agreement for the construction and upgrading of railways from the Republic of Guinean to the Port of Buchanan, in Liberia.

Sheikh Abdullah welcomed his Liberian counterpart and stressed the UAE’s desire to establish outstanding relations and enhance cooperation with Liberia in all domains.

In turn, Liberia’s Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, emphasized his country’s pursuance to develop cooperation while lauding the UAE’s pioneering stature regionally and internationally, as well as the enlightened vision of its wise leadership that resulted in accomplishing renaissance in all fields.

At the end of the meeting, Sheikh Abdullah and Milton Findley signed a Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, on ‘political consultations between the two countries’.

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