Baptist Women Missionary Union Breaks Ground for US$400K School Facility


Baptist Women Missionary Union Breaks Ground for US$400K School Facility

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-8 July 2018: The National Women Missionary Union, Liberian Baptist Convention over the weekend held an honoring, dedication and groundbreaking program for its new school facility at the Baptist youth Camp in Paynesville outside Monrovia.

The facility which is named and dedicated to its selfless, committed and dutiful sister Letitia A. Reeves, is valued at four hundred thousand United States dollars (USD 400.000.00).

Speaking during the dedicatory ceremony, the President of the West African Baptist Women Missionary Union, Sister Mydea Simmons lauded sister Letitia A. Reeves , for her continued services and commitment to the National Women Missionary Union , Liberia Baptist Convention  and all Baptist Women Associations across Africa and the World , especially Baptist Women of West Africa.

Madam Simmons stated that the National Women Missionary Union of the Liberian Baptist Convention sees it befitting to honor sister Reeves for her many years of service to the Church and the WMU, now NWMU.

She recounted the many years sister Letitia Reeves worked with the vision bearer of the Liberian Women Missionary Union, late sister Victoria Tolbert and other distinguished women of the WMU in building a firm foundation for a more sustained and functional Baptist convention today.

The energetic West African Baptist President Simmons further stated that in consideration of the tremendous support and contribution to the work of the church , especially the NWMUL, sisters of the Union without contrary reservation unanimously agreed to name the school in honor of Sister Letitia A. Reeves, which will be named and styled ‘Letitia A. Reeves Preschool’.

For her part, the honoree sister Letitia A. Reeves, thanked sisters of the National Women Missionary Union, Liberian Baptist Convention, for the honor bestowed upon her and her family.

Madam Reeves: “Indeed this honor come as a surprised to me and my entire family, yet , it is important to do the best in anything you find yourself doing as you could never tell when your reward will come.”

“I did not expect such an honor but thank God made it possible that  I can be alive today to witness and see for myself this dedication and groundbreaking ceremony in my honor . It is a blessing fellow sisters of the NWMU and I  too encourage all of you here today to continue working and serving in the master’s vineyard because you never know when your reward shall come.”

Sister Reeves, in consideration of the commencement of the fund drive for the construction of the preschool in her honor presented an initial cash of two thousand United states dollars (USD 2,000.00) to the construction of the school facility.

Other making contribution was sisters from various zonal of the NWMUL and local churches.

Additionally for contribution, on behalf of Amos Lodge No. 10, St. John River City, Grand Bassa County, an Order under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Masons, presented an initial contribution of five hundred United States dollars (USD 500.00) to the fund drive.

In an exclusive interview with this paper following the program, the Acting Executive Secretary, of the National Women Missionary Union of Liberia & Treasurer, West African Baptist Women Missionary Union for West Africa, sister Precious Andrews, congratulated sisters of various zones of the NWMUL for the unity to ensuring the school project was lunched.

She stated that the school project is twin project which will see the construction of the school at the Baptist Youth camp that will carter to kids from preschool to six grade while the other will be constructed in Grand Bassa County.

She lauded Sister Mariah A. Wesseh for her farsightedness in visualizing the project including the courage to involve all sisters of the NWMUL in making the project a success.

Madam Andrews the NWMUL is confident that beginning academic 20182019, the preschool will be open to the public , especially neighbors of the Baptist Seminary .

“We are happy today that this school will provide an opportunity for the general public not to send their kids to distances because the Letitia A. Reeves , preschool will have all it takes educationally , including well equipped library, play grounds, professional instructors and modern digital technology to inspire students here beginning academic 2018/2019.”

The honoring and dedication ceremonies also coincided with the celebration of the 80th birthday of the honoree Madam Letitia A. Reeves, with lots of dances and varieties food and music to spice out the day’s event.

Also at the program, there were extravaganzas traditional cultural performances from the Isaac A. Davies, Memorial School cultural troop and the Peace Ambassadors cultural troop.

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