“Prosecution Team Is Not Only For Winning Cases But Ensuring Justice Is Done”; Wesseh A. Wesseh Cautions

Laws & Order

“Prosecution Team Is Not Only For Winning Cases But Ensuring Justice Is Done”; Wesseh A. Wesseh Cautions

By T. Lula Jaurey

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-27 June 2018: Assistant Minister for Litigation, Ministry of Justice, Atty. Wesseh A. Wesseh is cautioning legal practitioners in the country not to be interested in only winning cases but ensuring that justice is served.

“Prosecution Team is not only for winning cases but ensuring that justice is done.”

Minister Wessseh stated that many often lawyers in the country were only believing that winning cases is the best show for a practicing lawyer.

He noted that a better understanding of the dos and dons of the legal practice is essential to upholding the legal profession and reducing inmates at various prison facilities across the country.

“If a person is free there will be a reduction in the prison retention and if the person is convicted without just mere sentence so then the conviction would now add to the growing number of inmates which continued to be a major source of conflict at various detention facilities.” Atty Wesseh observed.

According to the Assistant Minister for Litigation in An exclusive interview with this paper (independent probe), noted that he  personally don’t fell disappointed in losing cases if the right procedures of the legal practice are followed.

Atty Wesseh: “ Once you prepare your case and you have your evidence and you know that you have a conviction and the juror s decision runs contrary to the proceedings  you might not be fully equipped to determine such improprieties because of your desire to only win cases.”

Atty Wesseh made these comments in connection with an ongoing case involving defendant Amara S. Kiefa, who allegedly committed the crime of ‘human trafficking of a child’- a felony of the first degree.

The case which began June 14, 2017,  brings defendant Keifa (then 42 years old), on the charge of Felony when he unsolicited phone contact with Margo Cooper Korkoya, an adult female and verbally informed her of his desire to sell his twelve (12) years old daughter name Facia Keifa, to Ms. Korkoya, or to some other potential buyer for ritualistic sacrifice or for any other purpose suitable to the buyer.

According to the proceedings  Ms. Korkoya further advised defendant Keifa that she would need some time to see what she could do after which she would let him know of her decision in a couple of days.

Ms. Korkoya notified her Pastor, Joseph Johnson and former NSA Officer, Edwin Zeyou, who in turn, notified Sgt. Edmud E. Bayeh, line manager for the woman and children’s protection section of the Liberian Police. According to court document.

As a result of these notification, it was collectively decided that any future calls from defendant Keifa, to Ms. Korkoya would be recorded and that pastor Johnson and Officer Zeyou would listen in and on the calls. A preliminary sting-operation was also envisioned.

Addtionally, Court documents revealed  that on June 16, 2017, defendant Keifa again called Ms. Korkoya and demanded a price of three hundred thousand united states dollars ($300,000.00 US) for the sale of his daughter.

He was advised by Ms. Korkoya that her buyer could not afford that kind of money but was willing instead to pay the sum of one hundred thousand United States dollars ($100.000.00) for the sale of the child.

Defendant Keifa then agreed to the lesser sale price and stated that he would bring his daughter to Ms. Korkoya’s smythe road residence the following day to transfer her to Ms. Korkoya and to collect his money.

Court records further detailed that defendant Keifa handed to Ms. Korkoya a black plastic bag into which she was to deposit the one hundred five thousand United States dollars ($105,000.00) Ms. Korkoya then walked with the bag into her bedroom ostensibly to retrieve the money for payment to defendant for the sale of his child.

At that point, Officer Zeyou, who had been hiding inside the residence, noticed Sgt. Bayeh who had been following the movements of the defendant from the Smythe Road to enter the residence whereupon they arrested defendant Keifa and advised him of his constitutional rights. Detail follows in as court proceedings recommences.



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