Grand Bassa Superintendent Baipkeh wants Employment for Qualified kinsmen


Grand Bassa Superintendent Baipkeh wants Employment for Qualified kinsmen

By T. Lula Jaurey

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-22 June 2018: Grand Bassa Superintendent, Janjay Baipkeh is calling for the employment of qualified citizens of Grand Bassa County in the government of President George Weah.

Superintendent Baipkeh stated that, the people of Grand Bassa County are qualified so they should be included in every employment opportunities taking place in Monrovia and not leaving them out.

According to Superintendent Baipkeh, citizens of Grand Bassa are ever ready to work hard in making sure the government of President Weah succeeds in the full delivery of the ‘pro poor agenda’.

He said Grand Bassa is known as a historical county and will always remain the only county.

“ Grand Bassa will work hard to make things happen as long I am the Superintendent of this county.” Supt. Baipkeh


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