Ministry of Health Commemorate World Blood Day


Ministry of Health Commemorate World Blood Day

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-15 June 2018: The Ministry of Health on Thursday joined the world in the commemoration ‘Word blood donor day.’

The program which was held at the Montserrado Regional Blood Bank and Donation Center, fifth street, Sinkor, brought together participating schools, nursing institution and other well-wishers.

In his keynote address, the deputy minister of administration, ministry of health said she was honored to be part of this year’s commemoration of world blood donor day, which she serves as keynote speaker. Madam Norwu G. Howard said blood donation is not an easy task, and she is congratulating those who are donating their blood to save the lives of other Liberians freely without taking pay for it.

She described this year’s theme, ‘Blood Connect Us All as one life, one people’, which she said continue to be a very the slogan be there for someone else, give blood, share life display the connectivity among us as a nation.

The minister disclosed that health issues are everyone business, looking at the fact that there is need for all to come together to save one another through such voluntary service. She called on the Montserrado regional blood bank and donation center to continue their good work towards quality health delivery in the country.

The keynote speaker called on all Liberian to be part of the donation, saying that it is all about saving life. She thanks the world health organization for the great work they are doing towards blood donation and other health related development in the country.

Statements were made by ACCEL, WHO, Global Fund, the blood bank manager among others.

Certificates were given to blood donors for their timeless effort in donating blood for the past years.

In his welcome remarks, the communication officer Ministry of Health described the occasion important, not only for Liberia but the rest of the world.

Shadrach Bestman said the blood donation is a life giving something, looking at the fact that not all will be willy to offer the sacrifice.

He told the gathering that the occasion is every year’s activity, saying that this not the first nor the last. He said all Liberian should consider the day important, looking at its important on the lives of the people.

The journalist called on all to be like those donating their blood, describing them as life savers. He acknowledged the effort of the past and present certificated blood donors, telling them to continue the good work.

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