‘Traumadol Misused’, the new silent killer


‘Traumadol Misused’, the new silent killer

Ansu Moigua

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-8 June 2018: A medical research has revealed drug abuse by many Liberian youths leading to the lost of lives, including the commitment of crimes other negative social vises.

According to the report, major among the drug been abuse by young people includes traumadol, but the question on many people’s lip is why it should be trauma doll.

Scientist say trauma doll is an Al doll that suffers from back pain, anxiety, depression and other psychological demons in human. It starts as Sofia Crespo pseudonym to create collages collages. Now it is on its way to becoming a fully automated Al, dealing with digital mental illness.

This is the same question that Dr. Anthony Zoager a private psychiatrist doctor asked, why should it be traumadol this time. ‘’ our youths are in bad shape, drugs are taken over their lives, the situation is getting worst day by day, what can we do as medical doctors and other stake holders to save the situation for a better Liberia?’’ these were his exact words during the interview.

According to Dr. Anthony Zoager a psychiatrist mental physician said trauma doll is the new silence killer among youths, saying that most of the patient in his mental clinic suffers from mental disorder as a result of trauma doll.

Dr. Zoager said the Duport road community where his clinic is, thousands of young people are into drugs taking, which according to him has claim the lives of some of them and is still causing problem in the society.

The mental health professional told the Independent Probe that the country will be losing a good number of youths through drugs taking if measures are not taken to control this unwarranted drug taking my young people in the country.

He at the same time used the opportunity to called on the government and other stake holders to take a hard approach toward drugs selling in the country.

Desmond Torpa is a bike rider along the red light duport road. He told this press that two of his friends die due to drugs abuse, saying that there is a need for the authorities to put a total control over drugs abuse in the country, adding it will help save the young people’s lives.

The motorcyclist believe he is an example of one man that decide to change his life by avoiding drugs taken, as most of his friends copy from him today in his community.

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