GOL To establish TVET University soon; wants school administers Pay Back 12 Graders US$60 for WASSCE; Provides update on Edu. Summit


GOL To establish TVET University soon; wants school administers Pay Back 12 Graders US$60 for WASSCE; Provides update on Edu. Summit

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-8 June 2018: Education Minister Professor D. Ansu Sonii, has disclosed that the government of Liberia in collaboration with its developing partners is to shortly establish a technical vocation education training University in the country.

Minister Sonii said when establish , the University will boost government Pro Poor agenda through self-empowerment  of youth through professional and advance technical vocation training.

He said for too long the government had spend so much in taking a few Liberians to other industrial countries for training in various vocation expertise and the establishment of the TVET University in the country will raise the vocation training capacity of more young people preparing them for the job market while awaiting entry into higher institution of learning.

Prof. Sonii, expressed gratitude to President George Weah for the farsightedness and commitment to ensuring underprivileged and war affected youth are transform into meaningful citizens.

“ this TVET University, is a worth-wide initiative by the government of Liberia to transform the lives of young Liberians who go hours, and days doing nothing significant with their lives by elevating them into useful citizens that their parents and country can be pride off.” Prof. Sonii said.

Speaking at a Press Conference at the Ministry of Education of yesterday, Minister Soii reminded school administrators across the country to begin giving refund to students of the twelve and ninth grades of WASSCE fees paid as the government under the stewardship of President George Weah, made full payments of their WASSCE payments.

Additionally, Minister Sonii flank by Deputy Minister for Instructions, Hon. Alexander Dupo warned that any school caught in graduating students of the twelve and ninth grades without the declaration of results from the West African Examination Council , of recent WASSCE exams given will received the full weight of the government of Liberian and mandated the withdrawal of all clearances issued by some  school administrators with immediate effect.

Providing highlights from the just ended education summit, Minister Ansu Sonii, said as part of ensuring the roll out of dispatching professional and qualify teachers to the classrooms beginning academic year 2018/2019, the Ministry of Education will begin a rigorous recruitment of personnel to be train as teachers and call on all qualified Liberians wishing to join the Ministry of Education to begin making their application now.

Prof. Sonii: “ We want to welcome, the application of qualify personnel wanting to work with the MOE as there will be an in service training conducted before the next academic year to ensure teachers with command of the subject matter are dispatch to the classrooms.”.

He disclosed that as part of revamping the education system, beginning now, all permits for the establishment or opening of schools will now be given by the Ministry of Education, to ensure full oversight.

Minister Sonii informed reporters that the education summit held established among other things a firm work for rolling out and implementing the Education vision plan for  2030, targeting in accordance with the realization and attainment of MGD4.

“As part of our desire to ensuring that we reach this millennium development goals 4, the government of Liberia has designated 2028, to achieving all the requirements under the MGDs.”

“Our desire to ensuring the vision 2030 works, will institute review actions every two years on the progress and challenges of the vision over the next five year.” He emphasized.

Commenting on some key challenges highlighted for review which impact smooth learning of kids, Minister Sonii frowned on parents sending their kids to traditional bushes.

He said even as a traditional man himself, it was important that parent begin refraining from sending their kids to traditional bushes during active enrollment of students at various schools.

Prof. Sonii: “ I like to say this to our deserving parents in the rural parts of our country, to stop sending their kids to the Sandi and Poro bushes while schools are in section. Don’t forget I too a member of the society but my parents ensure that I when to join the Poro when schools were close which propel me to attained what I have today and I want to sincerely advice out fathers and mothers in the rural parts of Liberia to look at the consequences of not having or allowing your kids have a formal education especially when you are aging and need your children to take after you in a meaningful way.”

Commenting further on the education summit, Minister Ansu Sonii reemphasized previous comments by Deputy Minister for Instruction Alexander Dupo the government’s straight adherence to recent announcement by the government of Liberia that until the WASSCE results are release there will be no graduation and warned violators of government’s full weight of the law as a demonstration of significance the MOE attaches to this warning.

Minister Sonii emphasized that beginning academic 2018/2019, all school administrators will be mandated to ensure any student who do not passed all six required subjects prescribed by WAEC must repeat the class, wear uniform as any other student on campus would do.

He further warned against demonstrations on various school and Universities campuses but would appreciate prompt action of various student groups and leadership in alerting the Ministry of Education on issues that impede their learning especially the refusal of teachers to attend classes.

“Going forward, no student who do not pass the primary courses will be allow to do resitter rather the student will be required to resit in class with uniform.”

In a bid to revitalizing the education system, Professor Sonii said henceforth, any County Education Officer and District Education Officer under whose supervision majority of the students siting a public exams such as the West African Examination Council, failed, that CEO and DEO, will be require to resign.

Professor Sonii : “We like to caution that our move is not install fear in anyone but ensure the manner and form the transformation progress in the education system should take will require a great deal of external and internal appraisal. I can assure you today that this government will achieve a greatly in  bronze style the revamping of the education system before this government faces off.”

Furthermore, He call on the general public to report to the Ministry of Education- MOE any school which have student littering during school hours.

Additionally, Minster Ansu Sonii disclosed  that beginning academic 2019/2020 the MOE will begin the evaluation of students in the in four dimensions of  3rd, Six and 9th grades to enable the government establish and strengthen key areas of challenges confronting the education system and ensure the full preparations of students before sitting major regional exams.

On issue of Academic calendar:

For the commencement of academic calendar, Minister Sonii mandated all school administrators begin outing in plans in anticipation of graduation following July 5,2018, as the MOE have communicated with WAEC office to fully notify it on issuance of results and other academic requirements timely.

“ We like to announce here that beginning effective September 3 , no school will be allow to open before or after September 3 each year as commencement of academic work. I like to encourage principals to ensure teachers with specialty teach the prescribe subjects.” Minister Sonii said.

Prof. Sonii, as part of this regulation, the government is mandating the extension of School hours from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 P.M., to allow teachers properly utilized the curriculum, as the MOE is in the process of rearranging the curriculum of schools.

However, the Minister said negotiation are underway with afternoon schools, for considering the designing of a proper strategy to include them in a workable time schedule to ensure they also cover the full curriculum prescribe by the Ministry of Education.

He expressed, optimism for the full implementation of key recommendation of the education summit.

Highlights of the education summit:

Professor Sonii said as part of the results of the summit to ensure student make incremental passes in public exams with beginning strategy to evaluate the education system.

He said the MOE will begin the introduction of skills training programs in all schools across the country with an expectation that within 10 years students graduating will have a career to begin with.

Including modernized laboratory in each county. As part of enhancing the used of laboratory, the government will purchase consumable, while private schools will be  allow the use of public laboratory for two years.

Minister Sonii said as part of the government’s desire to upgrading the sciences at various schools, will within three years, established central laboratories to allow students access  to proper science learning.

Additionally, Proof. Sonii said the government will with the same there years begin categorizing students in various fields of students for future utilization.

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