Publisher Association OF Liberia Installs New Leadership; New Dawn Othello Garblah Promises Robust Reform


Publisher Association OF Liberia Installs New Leadership; New Dawn Othello Garblah Promises Robust Reform

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-15 May 2018: The Publisher Association of Liberia or PAL, over the weekend held the installation of its new corps of officers.

Those install on Friday due to the constitutional succession clause of the Association, following the resignation of its former President Philibert Brown were Othello Banabas Garblah, Publisher, New Dawn Newspaper, as President and Mr. Sam O. Dean, Publisher, The Independent Newspaper, as Vice President, respectively.

In his address to members of the Association, the newly installed President of the Publisher, of PAL Othello Banabas Garblah called on members of the Association to work together for the improvement of the publishing business in the country.

Gsrbleh, also called for the straight adherence to the basic professional principals of transparency, accuracy in the discharge of news reporting in the various newspapers

He said it was time to begin a new revolution for the Liberia print media in its reportage and conduct.

Garbleh: “ This new leadership will continue to work to compliment the Press Union  of Liberia in building a robust and professional media, especially media personnel in the printing business. He will ensure frim disciplinary measures for regulating the conduct of newspapers owners and their reportage.”

Garbleh further assured the public and the government that the print media in Liberia is out for a new transformation and call for greater collaboration in building a democratic nation for all

“You can be assure that with this new leaders of the Publishers Association-PAL, we will ensure a business friendly climate for all but keeping secrete the vows we have made to report nothing but the facts that are accurate, balance and clear.” Garbleh continues.

Additionally, cited some of the many challenges facing the industry, including lack of newsprint, lack of adequate newsstands across the country to improve circulation, among others which has undermine the payment of monthly dues by members of the Association.

Garblah: “We need an organization that is attracted to the public” and the other way of using various newspaper pages to undermine the character of others in society.

For his part, Attorney Nyan Gbeintor, serving as installing officer of PAL, urged members of the Association to serves as gatekeeper for factual reporting, saying, “A lot of people in Liberia take what is in the newspaper as law and gospel and the obligation is on you to ensure what is put out there is nothing but the true.”

Atty. Gbeintor noted that the media has a great responsibility in helping to positively shape the Liberia society.

He expresses confidence in the new PAL leadership and believes the government has a lot to achieve by working with the leadership.

Atty. Gbeintor: “We want to caution you all as members of this Association to continue to speak with one voice in order to maintain your credibility.”

Atty. Gbeintor, personally donated a set a set of computers for the enhancement of the Association’s activities.

The ceremony was graced by several media executives, including the Publisher of the ANALYST, Stanley Seckor, Alphonso Toweh of the New REPUBLIC, Mohammed Kanneh of The HERITAGE, former President of the Press Union of Liberia James Kiazulu, Independent Probe Newspaper, Chester A. Smith, Sr. and the incumbent Vice President of the Press Union of Liberia Octavius Williams, among others.

Both Messers Kiazulu and Williams noted the importance of the Association to the Press Union of Liberia as an integral part of the media organization in Liberia.

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