L$1M For LBNM Headquarters Project


L$1M For LBNM Headquarters Project

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-2 April 2018: The Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery (LBNM) on Friday, April 27, raised L$1,862,338 from its annual Professional and Ethics Contest hosted in Monrovia.

The annual contest, which brought together representatives of about 11 registered and certificated midwifery schools, was to raise funds to finance the construction of their headquarters.

Schools represented were the Phebe Para-Medical Training Program in Bong County, the Tubman National Institute of Medical Arts (TNIMA), the United Methodist University, Winifred J. Harley College of Health Sciences in Ganta, Nimba County, Esther Bacon School of Nursing and Midwifery in Zorzor, Lofa County, and the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the William V. S. Tubman University in Harper, Maryland County.

Other schools were the Mabel McCombs College of Health Sciences of the Monrovia Bible College, Montserrado County, Greater vision College of Health Sciences in Monrovia, the Lofa County Community College Health Sciences in Voinjama, Lofa County, Nimba County Community College Health Sciences in Sanniquellie, Nimba County, Bomi County Community College (BCCC) Health Sciences in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, and the Ruth Ramstrand School of Nursing.

Out of the contestants, Caroline Jarsah Mabande of the Bomi County Community College emerged as winner, following a highly competitive contest. Ms Mabande was meanwhile crowned as “Miss LBNM 2018/2019.”

She then thanked BCCC President Dr. Zobong Norman, the staffers and students for their support that enabled her to capture the crown.

She referred to all other contestants as ‘winners’ for their participation, and called on nurses and midwives to make professionalism and ethics their hallmark as they go about providing services to the people.

Laura K. Voker and Serina Lablah of Winifred J. Harley College of Health Sciences and  Phebe Para-Medical Training Program were declared Second and Third winners respectively.

Other contestants were Saralyn Katumu Smart, Fatumata Sombai, Mama Korviah, Linda George–Varney, Massa V. Gray, Marie F. Korha, Assatu M. Sow.

Each of them underscored the importance of professionalism in the practice of Nursing and Midwifery, describing the profession as a dedicated, committed, noble profession that centers around care for patients without regards to sex, race, creed and religion.

In her message, Ms. Cecelia A. Morris, Chairperson of LBNM, said: “As we host this years’ event, let us think and reflect on professionalism as our tool in the discharge of our duty.”

To the student nurses, midwives and accredited nursing or midwifery institutions and participants, Ms. Morris called on all to reflect on ethics and professionalism, which she said are two key words that form the basis for the theme of the program.

Meanwhile, LBNM Registrar Cecelia Flomo said they will use money generated from the event to construct LBNM headquarters, and thanked all the participating schools, sponsors for the support to the worthy initiative.

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