Mayor Taylor Calls for teamwork in the transformation of Paynesville


Mayor Taylor Calls for teamwork in the transformation of Paynesville

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-3 April 2018:Paynesville City Mayor, E. Pam Belcher-Taylor is encouraging Community Leaders and residents of Paynesville to work collectively, if Paynesville must be transformed into a modern City.

According to Mayor Taylor, PCC cannot succeed in transforming Paynesville into a clean, safe and healthy city, if the residents and citizens are left out.

Mayor Taylor, urged the citizens of Paynesville to recommend solutions to the many problems confronting the municipality.

The Paynesville City Mayor made the statement Tuesday, April 3, 2018 during a mass meeting with Community Leaders from the fifty-five communities within Paynesville.

Three of the five Lawmakers from Paynesville, Hon. Ceebee Barshell of Montserrado County District Number Three, Hon. Rustonlyn Suacoco Dennis of Montserrado County District Number Four and Hon. Samuel Enders of Montserrado County District Number Six, attended the meeting.

Over One Hundred and Fifty Community Chairmen and Block Leaders, including representations from the Liberia National Police (LNP), Liberia Marketing Association, (LMA), and National Public Health Institute of Liberia participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, Mayor Taylor encouraged, the Community Leaders to sensitize their various community dwellers on how to properly dispose their garbage within their respective communities.

“If Paynesville is to transform into one of the best cities, we must keep our home, environment and city clean always” said Mayor Taylor.

In remarks, Representatives Samuel Enders, Rustonlyn Suacoco Dennis and Ceebee Barshell pledged their unflinching supports to the leadership of Mayor Taylor.

They admonished, the citizens of Paynesville to work closely with the PCC in observing and enforcing the City Ordinances of the municipality.

Meanwhile, the Community Leaders among several others, identified the lack of enforcement as a major factor affecting the collection of garbage within the municipality.


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