K3 Telecom Celebrates 1 Year in Liberia

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K3 Telecom Celebrates 1 Year in Liberia

IPNews- Monrovia, Liberia- 23 March 2018: The K3 Telecom-Liberia yesterday celebrated its first year of successful operation and triple-play services in Monrovia on their own wireless broadband network to the amazement of the several invited guests.

K3 Telecom AG is a Swiss-based global telecommunications operator with unique wireless K3 Air Last mile solution technology; engaged in the business of co-investing, establishment of telecommunication networks and offering ISP provider services (Triple play services – Broadband Internet, Digital TV and Fixed.

Mohammed Nasrallah, CEO of K3 Liberia, expressed how proud he is to see that the television has been serving the public successfully since it was established in the country a year ago, noting, “because of the satisfaction of our consumers remains our primary concern, it therefore allows us to introduce a support service that will apply to the needs of the consumers on a daily basis.”

And because of the success story, Mr. Nasrallah says the K3 management plans to decentralize its programs to widely cover Montserrado, Margibi and other counties beyond, since the television is receiving reports of improved signal quality from the population.

“So we want to also connect our customers because that is part of the human rights component,” he said.

For the past year, K3 has no competitor on the market, because it is offering both satellite for television and also provides very strong internet services, the company says.

“You cannot compare K3 Telecom to a TV provider in the country, because we give our customers on the spot TV coverage as well as internet facility,” Nasrallah said.

He spoke of how the entity’s major achievement as a satellite television provider is now being discussed as a strong and valuable internet that the country can boast of since it is on par with some of the developed countries.

“This is going to go stronger and higher than the way we started,” Nasrallah told the gathering.

The good thing about K3, according to him, is that unlike other service providers, it has powerful services during the rainy season. Also, it is not limited to a special group of people, but affordable to everyone, he said.

“It is really hard to believe that the K3 operation in Liberia began one year ago because of the tremendous improvement. A lot has happened and been achieved, and therefore we are, ourselves, a premium Liberian ISP provider with superior triple-play service; high speed broadband internet; digital TV and IP telephony,” Nasrallah told the already elated audience at a press conference yesterday.

Uros Mlakar, CEO of K3 Telecom AG Switzerland, spoke of how K3-Liberia is excited to announce the start of their new internship program that will train selected people in new skills in technical, commercial and financial fields.

Mlakar said the new program will last for two months, after which it will be renewed depending on successful implementation, because successful trainees will have a better chance of gaining employment with their newly developed skills.

K3 Telecom-Liberia is a subsidiary company of K3 Telecom AG, Switzerland, and is committed to provide modern triple play services based on broadband to the Liberian public.

The entity, according to Mlakar, has a dream to expand services throughout Africa so as to better the lives of the people.

“Africa is changing fast, and therefore, very soon, things will never be the same as it has been until the advent of the K3 telecom, because internet is like water that everyone deserves to have access to its broadband,” Mlakar declared.

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