The House Summons Farmington Management Team for bad labor practice

Laws & Order

The House Summons Farmington Management Team for bad labor practice

By Agnes M. Tarr

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-8 March 2018: The plenary of the House of Representative has cited the manage team of the Farmington Hotel to appear Thursday, March 7, 2018 on allegation of bad labor practice.

The houses’ decision was followed by a communication from Margibi County district 2, Representative Ivar K. Jones.

Rep. Jones said, in an impromptu meeting held with over fifty of the workers of the Hotel on the 23rd of February, 2018, the employees complained, the Hotel management treats them like modern days slaves, which subject them to eating leftover food.

“We have been insulted and assaulted on duties by management at the same time we are forced to work over time without any extra incentives” the communication quoted the workers.

The Margibi County lawmaker told plenary in his communication, that the local employees at the same time alleged that the management is infringing on their rights to association and forbids them to establish a workers association or union through which their warfare can be addressed with the Hotel management.

Rep. Jones in his communication explained that the local employees made specific references to the general manager identify as Richard Robaix and the human resource manager identify as Dinal Cephus, of the Farmington Hotel of the main doers of allegedly harassing and intimidating them on jobs.

Due to this situation against the workers, he noted, a female employee has sent in her letter of resignation.

Representative Jones described the Farmington Hotel management’s alleged action against the local employees as a violation of Article 15, a,b,c,d and Article 17 of the 1986 constitution of the republic of Liberia.

Meanwhile the House plenary has order its secretariat to communicate with the Farmington Hotel Management to appear before that August body on Thursday March 8, 2018 to give reason of it alleged bad labor practice.




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