PUL Responds To Multiple Media Violations

Business News

PUL Responds To Multiple Media Violations

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-27-February 2018:With multiple media violations against Liberian journalists during and after the just ended 2017 general and presidential elections, the Press union of Liberia (PUL) has vowed to protect journalists across the length and breadth of the country.

Political campaign activities which led to the conduct of the 2017 general and presidential elections, followed by political parties` court actions and the runoff elections, the Press Union of Liberia monitored the media landscape and reported nine media violations against journalists in Liberia.

In recent time, two journalists assigned on Capitol Hill were reportedly whipped upon the order of one of the lawmakers of the 54th legislature to the dismay of the union and other human rights organizations in the country.

Responding to the situation, President Charles B. Coffey Jr. said journalists are not “whipping dogs” rather community servants and as such they need maximum protection and safety at all times in the performance their professional duties.

According to him, citizens should not think that journalists must be subjected to maltreatment, because they are skillful people who should be engaged professionally either by politicians or citizens on issues of concerns.

Coffey described the act as barbaric and violation of the laws attacks on journalists while performing their professional functions.

The PUL President was speaking over the weekend, during an appreciation ceremony of Nimba journalists organized by the Nimba County Community Radio Network (NICORA) in Saclepea City in northeastern Liberia.

During the October 10, 2017 presidential and representative elections some partisans of the opposition Alternative National Congress allegedly attacked Mr. Candy Zeamboe, a Reporter of Voice of Gompa in Gompa City, Nimba County why on duty.

According to Journalist Zeamboe, he was attacked in Voice of Gompa studio by ANC partisans on a fruitless reason which up to present he is yet to even understand.

The PUL President, who strongly condemned the attack of journalist Zeamboe, describes it as an assault against his integrity.

The PUL President however call on all media practitioners to rightly use community  radio in promoting education, community development, among others.

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