Faith-Based Organization Dedicates Christian College in Liberia

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Faith-Based Organization Dedicates Christian College in Liberia

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-27-February 2018:The head of a faith-based international organization, African Christians Fellowship International (ACFI) says has committed his institution to supporting Liberia’s education.

Bishop Edward Kofi said since the establishment of his organization in 1986, it has remained engaged in partnering with the Liberian government and partners to build schools across the country to impact the lives of Liberians. The clergyman made the statement over the weekend during the dedication of a state-of-the-art Christian college in Sinkor.

He said the dedication of the college is part of the organization’s commitment in supporting the education sector of Liberia, adding that the government’s pro-poor policy will surely be achieved.

“We are grateful because this is a work of God. We have gathered here to thank God for what we envisaged many years, it has been many years to have this college to teach our Christian brothers and sisters,” Bishop Kofi said.

According to him, the ACFI has envisioned the need to establish a tertiary institution that would provide Christian-based education to men and women worldwide.

It can be recalled that in fulfillment of this vision, the national legislature was petitioned by the Church to enact a legislation to establish Liberia Christian College (LCC).

The Act establishing the LCC was approved by the Legislature on July 30, 1997. The primary aim of the college is to provide Christian-based education to men and women worldwide so that they can grow and develop spiritually and academically and be equipped to exemplify high ethical standards in various disciplines.

The LCC is a liberal art college designed with five schools, offering both certificates and bachelor degrees in accounting, economics, business administration, theology, religious education, electronic engineering and electrical engineering. Others are English, business, mathematics and criminal justice.  The ACFI is an independent indigenous Bible believing evangelical church fellowship.

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