Grand Gedeh Youths unhappy with Pres. Weah’s Appointment –Alarms over Exclusion in Government Positions


Grand Gedeh Youths unhappy with Pres. Weah’s Appointment –Alarms over Exclusion in Government Positions

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-24 February 2018: One of the counties in the south eastern part of the country which stood behind Senator George Manneh Weah Presidency during the electoral process in the country, Grand Gedeh County citizens mainly youths and Students have started complaining of complete exclusion in President Weah’s government positions.

According to the President of the Grand Gedeh Youth and Students Movement, Kelvin Clay saying, since President Started the appointment of Key government positions, the citizens of Grand Gedeh County have been excluded in the process.

Mr. Clay expressed complete frustration over the form and manner in which the appointments are been carryout in the Pro-Poor Government that President George Manneh Weah talks about.

“We don’t need an over sea Grandean to occupy government positions, because we have qualify citizens of the county who during the campaign process to deliver the county completely to the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)”.  The    Grand Gedeh Youth and Students Movement President added.

It can be recalled that President George Manneh Weah Promised during the campaign to give the country to the common people, as the result the Grand Gedeh Youth and Students Movement President stressed that citizens mainly youth and students stood the test of time by campaigning vigorously in making sure that the required victory is given.

The Grand Gedeh Youth and Students Movement President also indicated that since the President started, he has only appointed former Representative Kai G. Fallai as Superintendent of the county, which D. Kelvin Clay term as insufficient for the support given the President during the Presidential and Representatives elections in the country.

“Mr. President, we the youths and Students slept in the bushes just make sure that our votes were protected from evil people, we saw you as the best alternative for our beloved country”. Mr. Clay indicated.

The Grand Gedeh Youth and Students Movement also thanked the President and welcome him back from the three nation’s trip and further appreciate him for securing 10Milion Euro from the French government which is intended for upgrading of roads in the country.

Mr. Clay also spoke during a major Press conference held in Monrovia saying, he also called the president to think about the south eastern part of the country for the upgrading of roads in the country mainly Grand Gedeh County.

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