China gives Liberia riot gear

Laws & Order

China gives Liberia riot gear

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-24 February 2018:The Chinese Contingents of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) has donated riot gears and several other items to the Liberia National Police (LNP) to boost the operation of its riot police units here.

China Formed Police Unit (FPU) made the donation Thursday, 22 February at its facilities at the Freeport of Monrovia on Bushrod Island, suburb of Monrovia.

At the donation exercise, Liberia’s Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Acting Chair of the Cabinet, Nathaniel McGill thanked the Chinese Contingents and UNMIL for the gesture, saying Liberia is grateful for the donation.

“We want to assure you on behalf of our government that these donations to the police, the Liberia National Police (LNP) will be used for the intended purpose,” Mr. McGill says.

He asks the Chinese Contingents to convey government’s special thanks to the President and People of China, saying “we” look forward to more contributions to the LNP.

Mr. McGill says the Chinese commander had told him during inspection that the contingents want the facilities to remain at the Port so that they can continue to remember their being here.

As such, Mr. McGill assures the Chinese that the facilities will be fully protected and government will do everything to ensure that whenever Chinese officials come here they will enjoy the facilities.

He says the facilities will be used and protected, saying Liberians are grateful for what the Chinese have done during their stay here.

China Formed Police Unit (FPU) Commander, Lan Weiyu says it is a privilege that the Chinese government and the UN Headquarters authorized the FPU to [donate] the police equipment to the Liberia National Police (LNP). He expresses hope that the police will make use of the equipment.

Liberia’s Police Inspector General Patrick Sudu says he is very delighted for the kind gesture of the China FPU, making such a huge donation to the LNP. Mr. Sudu also thanks the UN for instituting such measure that will benefit the LNP, assuring that the donation will be well taken care of.

He urges the Chinese government to send an inspection team as time goes by to see how the donation is being handled.

Mr. Sudu has also appealed to government to allow the LNP to use the Chinese facilities at the Port so as to maintain the security presence once felt there to keep the dream and legacy of the Chinese Contingents.

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