LPRC MD Nyemade Pearson Outlines Plans and Challenges. …Writes Board For Immediate System Audit of previous Adm.

Business News

LPRC MD Nyemade Pearson Outlines Plans and Challenges. …Writes Board For Immediate System Audit of previous Adm.

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-18 February 2018: Newly appointed Managing Director of the Liberia Petroleum and Refinery company (LPRC), Ms. Nyemade Pearson is calling for a vigorous system audit of the LPRC to establish its current financial standings and assets prior to her appointment as Managing Director.

Madam Pearson stated that her management team is concern about what they are inheriting at the LPRC in other to make full  determination on future progress of the entity.

She told Journalists that her administration major priorities are workers’ welfare and the protection of products at the LPRC storage terminals.

The newly confirmed LPRC Boss said prior to her appointment as Managing Director of  LPRC, there were reports of increased theft at the entity but promised her administration’s institutionalization of rapid security measures to remedy the situation.

Madam Pearson disclosed that as part of new security measures at the LPRC, She has requested the presence of additional officers of the Liberia National Police to beef-up LPRC private security guards.

Managing Director Pearson further disclosed that she has also made some significant adjustments in her personal benefits as Managing Director as oppose to previous Managing Directors.

Madam Pearson informed Journalist that she has with immediate effect reduce her salary from USD 9,500 to 5000 USD, including the reduction of gas from 1000 gallons to 350 gallons, and at the same time rejecting resettlement benefits such as extra  laptop and Internet equipment to be used at home and a 75,000 vehicle purchased by previous administration for the Managing Director.

Madam Pearson furthermore informed reporters that her action to cut personal benefits is in support of the CDC-led government’s pro poor policy.

Additionally, She further revealed that her management team has set up a office for the Managing Director within a container located in the LPRC compound rather than moving into an office space opposite the LPRC main office that has been rented by previous administration to accommodate staff.

“My decision to operate within the LPRC compound is to have access to the LPRC main compound and monitor the activities from within rather than finding an office completely outside of the normal operations of LPRC”. MD Pearson said.

Meanwhile, Madam Pearson has disclosed that her administrative team has inherited very huge liabilities she intends to jointly collaborate with the Board of Directors to speedily investigate and resolve.

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