Human Rights Watch Writes Pres. Weah: “Make Justice a Priority”

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Human Rights Watch Writes Pres. Weah: “Make Justice a Priority”

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia- 13 February 2018: Human Rights Watch is calling on the government of Liberia to take prompt steps to pave the way for fair investigation and prosecution of serious past crimes committed during Liberia’s brutal civil wars according to an official letter to President George M. Weah.

Human Rights Watch said Liberia has made important progress to advance post-conflict stability, but no one has faced justice in Liberia for the brutal crimes during that period and call on President Weah to muster the courage now to ensure perpetrators face their victims.

“President Weah has a chance to make history by ensuring that Liberia’s victims at long last have a chance to see the people who committed crimes against them held to account,” said Elise Keppler, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch.

The letter also narrates that during two armed conflicts in Liberia beginning 1989 to 1996 and 1999 to 2003, horrific abuses were committed against civilians in Liberia. These included summary executions and numerous large-scale massacres; widespread and systematic rape; mutilation and torture; and large-scale forced conscription and use of child combatants. The violence blighted the lives of tens of thousands of civilians, displaced almost half the population, and virtually destroyed the country’s infrastructure. Regrettably, Liberia has not prosecuted a single person for these grave crimes.

The only efforts according to Human Rights Watch to bring justice for the victims have been made before courts outside Liberia, in the United States, Belgium, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Most of these proceedings were initiated under the principle of universal jurisdiction, which allows national authorities to pursue individuals believed to be responsible for certain grave international crimes such as torture, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, even though they were committed elsewhere and neither the accused nor the victims are nationals of the country. While these cases help to break wholesale impunity for the crimes, they remain a severely restricted route to justice as they generally depend on the presence of the suspect on the territory of the country pursuing the case. Human Rights Watch observed.

A Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was created in Liberia in 2006 to address the causes and impact of the country’s social turmoil between 1979 and 2003. In December 2009, the TRC issued its final report, which highlighted problems in the Liberian justice system and called for the establishment of a hybrid international-national tribunal with Liberian and foreign judges to try past crimes. While supportive of the general approach, Human Right Watch has recommended that several elements of the proposal be revised to ensure prosecutions of past crimes in accordance with international standards and best practice. Human Rights Watch said.

Elise Keppler recommends: “ Weah should take several specific steps to begin pursuing accountability for past atrocities. The government should as soon as possible establish an independent advisory committee on justice and the rule of law and develop a comprehensive and public strategy to ensure the prompt investigation and fair prosecution of those responsible for past atrocities. As part of these efforts, the new government should revisit the TRC’s recommendations with a view to establishing a court with international assistance to fairly and effectively prosecute international crimes committed in Liberia. The countless victims of the unspeakable crimes committed in Liberia deserve justice for what they have suffered; The era of rampant impunity for international crimes should at last close.

President George M. Weah was elected in late December 2017, after a tense election run-off with former Vice President Joseph Boakai. Weah took office on January 22, 2018.

0 thoughts on “Human Rights Watch Writes Pres. Weah: “Make Justice a Priority””

  1. Michael T. Biddle

    I do agree with the the and hope that the Weah administration will consider the recommendation and act accordingly.

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