Pres. Weah Wants Tenured Officials Submit Appointment Credentials


Pres. Weah Wants Tenured Officials Submit Appointment Credentials

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-7 Febuary 2018:President George Weah has directed that all officials of government occupying tenured positions should submit to the office of the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs their letters of appointment and certificate of commissioning on or before Friday, February 9, 2018, the Executive Mansion has said in a release.

According to the release, the directive was issued in an official circular dated February 5, and signed by Nathaniel F. McGill, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs and Chief of Staff to the President.

In a related development, the President yesterday met with representatives of the Liberia Bankers Association (LBA) at his Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia.

The meeting was triggered by President Weah’s earlier engagement with the leadership of the Liberia Business Association (LBA). During the meeting, the President encouraged LBA’s representatives to develop constructive and mutually agreed consensus to improve the processes that will accommodate Liberian businesses.

President Weah wants his government to form partnership with the sector to achieve his agenda for prosperity, and to ensure that market prices are affordable and reasonable for Liberians. He then encouraged the banks to do more to motivate borrowers to be able to repay their debts.

The President also expressed grave concern on high interest rates on micro-financing and the lack of flexibility to borrowers in repaying their debts. He prevailed on the banks to look into flexible ways to decrease the high interest rates to borrowers.

In remarks, the LBA representatives expressed profound gratitude for the meeting and congratulated the President on his ascendancy to the country’s top post. They pledged their fullest support to ensure that President Weah’s Administration succeeds. The bankers acknowledged that they have a huge role to play in ensuring that the President’s “pro-poor agenda” is successful.

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