Disabled Group Recommends To Weah -To Prioritize People With Disabilities


Disabled Group Recommends To Weah -To Prioritize People With Disabilities

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-6 February 2018: In an effort to enhance the pro-poor agenda of the government, a group of people with disabilities have recommended to President George M. Weah to prioritize people living with disabilities in the country.

Making call over the weekend at the Group of 77 during a ceremony to petition David Dean to head the National Commission on Disabilities (NDC).

In the petition statement, the head of the Disabled of Like Mind In Support of CDC said in order to for the government to accomplish the hopes and aspirations of people living with disabilities in the country, the GOL will need an advisor at the NCD.

“Like the President of Liberia, David Dean has spent entire 10 year-career implementing viable programs that have improved the lives of fellow disabled compatriots. He comes to the table with a great resume, ranking from the free distribution of 11,000 units of assertive devices throughout 13 of the 15 political sub divisions of the country valued at US$2 million,” he added.

A cross section of people living with disabilities spoken with, in separate statements, expressed dismay at the level of attention, care and support they received from the past Unity Party-led regime.

“We were denied so many opportunities to the extent that the home of the Group of 77 is inhabitable. There was gross disrespect to people living with disabilities by the outgoing leadership for which we want it changed,” a mother of three children lamented.

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