Is Pres. Weah Ellen’s Playbook? Eminent revolt in CDC over new Appointments in Gov’t

Laws & Order

Is Pres. Weah Ellen’s Playbook? Eminent revolt in CDC over new Appointments in Gov’t

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-24 2018:Barely a day after the inauguration of former football icon as Liberia’s 25th President and subsequent pronouncement by office of the President of new appointments in government, some political observers have question the motive behind the president’s appointment of some inexperienced persons, especially those with questionable character and credentials to important positions of government contrary to the President’s inaugural address to fight corruption in the county.

“It is time, to be honest with our people. Though corruption is a habit amongst our people, we must end it. We must pay civil servants a living wage so that corruption is not an excuse for taking what is not theirs. Those who do not refrain from enriching themselves at the expense of the people – the law will take its course. I say today that you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” President Weah told cheering Liberians during his inaugural address.

According to views sampled, many of whom are members of the governing council of the coalition for Democratic Change-CDC, told the Independent probe Newspaper that the decision by the president to appoint names as Gbehzohngar M. Findley, a former President Pro Temp of the Senate who crossover from Unity Party in the last days of campaigning to the Coalition for Democratic Change-CDC ahead of the Presidential elections was totally a surprise.

They observed that Findley lacks the diplomatic credentials with only experience in Legislative matters to cement and smooth edge of the already seemingly fragile relationship between the United States of America in the wake of the unceremonial buck-cut of U.S. Ambassador to Liberia from the inauguration.

Research has shown that Gbehzohngar M. Findley, served was a businessman, President/CEO of APPC, Exporting Cocoa and Coffee. Before that, he served as Mechanical Laboratory Technician, with the Franklin University. Findley also served as Assistant Manager, SHOWAC Corporation, Columbus Ohio, President of the Association of Liberians in Columbus, and Office Assistant in Lund Sweden . He holds a BSc degree in Electronic Engineering from Franklin University, Columbus Ohio and an MSc degree in Rural Development Sociology, Lund, Sweden in addition to series of certificates in Swedish History, Economic History, Sociology and Swedish Law, which are infinitesimal to match the credentials of some highly educated members of the CDC governing council.

Some of those persons questioned for their appointment in government are Nathaniel McGill-Minister of State for Presidential Affairs/ Chief of Staff, designate   Samuel Tweah-Minister and Development Planning, designate, and Cllr. Charles Gibson-Minister of Justice, designate.

For Nathaniel McGill-Minister of State for Presidential Affairs/ Chief of Staff, designate, some Liberians wonders why would the president appoint him as Minister of State for Presidential Affairs when has no records od states craft and track record of public service accept as chairman of  the Congress for Democratic Change and subsequently as national secretary general of CDC, respectively.

As for Samuel Tweah-Minister and Development Planning, designate, political observers questioned while would the president appoint such a young and inexperienced young man to manage the state’s coffers when there so much financial challenges the country currently face with.

Prior to be named as Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Tweah has only been in the ADB position for some eighteen months, one of only two professional jobs he has done in a very short period, raising concerns about his ability to take on the enormous challenge facing the incoming government.

Additionally, critics say Tweah may be lacking the experience to head the fiscal office of Liberia during this financial crisis time. Some financial observers say, he may have a steep learning curve in which to make immediate impact.

Some of his critics say, he at times find it difficult to get along with others which may make it difficult to manage the staff at the Ministry of Finance.

Others say he finds it difficult to accept the professional opinions of others and it makes it difficult for him to reach a professional compromise with his colleagues.

A former official at the former planning ministry which was merged with finance said, the brother is too theoretical and lacks practical experience.

Most of his former co-workers have expressed their concerns about his lack of experience or inability to be Minister of Finance at this time when the Liberian economy is in a bad shape. Mr. Tweah has less than 7 years of professional experience which may not be enough to serve as finance Minister of a nation such as Liberia with so much developmental needs.

On the issue of Cllr. Charles Gibson-Minister of Justice, designate, political observers wonders while could Cllr. Gibson be nominated as Minister of Justice when the Lawyer’s license was suspended on moral grounds for duping his client? Information available at the Supreme Court revealed that Cllr. Charles Gibson license was duly restored to him following the serving of a two months suspension.

It can be recalled that the Supreme Court on Friday, February 24, suspended Counselor Charles H. Gibson’s license for two months for duping his client, identified as Anwar A. Saoud, of US$25,322 while defending him for over two years.

In the ruling the Supreme Court established that Cllr. Gibson misled his client on whose behalf he had instituted a series of lawsuits to recover loans and other business activities from Saoud’s customers, and refused to account for the US$25,322 he had earlier collected.

Delivering the court’s judgment, Associate Justice Sie-A-Nyene Yuoh said her action was based on findings of both the Grievance and Ethics Committee and Amicus Curiae (friend of the Supreme Court). Amicus Curiae is a group that is not a party to the case, but assists the Supreme Court by offering free legal services to the court. It was the two groups’ report that led to the suspension of Gibson. “Cllr Gibson’s action as a lawyer breached Rule 15 of the client – lawyer relationship,” said Justice Yuoh. “A lawyer should refrain from any act whereby for his personal benefit or gain he abuses or takes advantage of the confidence reposed in him by his client.

Money collected for his client, or other money or property of his said client coming into his possession as a result of his professional duty to his client should be reported and accounted for promptly, and should not under any circumstances be commingled with his own or be used by him.” The Justice emphasized that: “Gibson’s license is hereby suspended for two months and he is mandated to pay back the client’s money; and until the money is paid he will not practice law in this country.”

Before the suspension, Saoud had complained about Gibson’s attitude to the Grievance and Ethics Committee. Gibson was successful in collecting thousands of United States dollars from Saoud’s delinquent customers, from which he was allowed to take 20 percent as part of his legal fees.

0 thoughts on “Is Pres. Weah Ellen’s Playbook? Eminent revolt in CDC over new Appointments in Gov’t”

  1. Nominating Gbehzohngar M. Findley as Foreign Minister for Liberia in the WEAH’S Administration should not be a Surprise. This APPOINTMENT was secured from a heavy influrencial POUNDING on the HEAD of President WEAH by former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to give this POSITION to Mr. Findley if he wanted HER Support for the Presidency. Mr. Findley is the SON of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and will protect her in this new Government. Readers, ask yourselves this question; Why will a sitting PRESIDENT support the opposition? Liberians are witnessing the continuation of NEPOTISM and CORRUPTION, the enemies of TRANSPARENCY in Government. Welcome to the NEW Change.

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