NOBEL Liberia’s Makes $5K To LMA As Corporate Social Duty

Business News

NOBEL Liberia’s Makes $5K To LMA As Corporate Social Duty

IPNews- Monrovia, Liberia-18 January 2018:NOBEL Liberia has presented a check of US$ 5,000.00 to the Liberian Marketing Association-LMA.

NOBEL Liberia, a Liberian owned money transfer company that only sends money within, and not without, Liberia.

Making the presentation, the President and chief Executive Officer-NOBEL Liberia, Jallah Kesselly, Stated that his company is pleased to associated with the LMA in its desire to providing academic scholarships to some of its members and their kids.

“We believe that all well-meaning Liberians who are capable of contributing should do so. We can’t always look to the government to solve our problems. We, Liberians, must all work together to make our country better. Making Liberia better is not only the responsibility of the government or the politicians. I’m a businessman and not a politician. However, I do realize the fact that the Liberia we wish to see requires our collective efforts,” he said.

Kesselly also said that he trusts that the funds provided would be used for the intended purpose, and hoped that the relationship between the LMA and NOBEL continue to higher growth as they are both members of the Liberian business community.

For her part, Madame Alice Gorlu Yeebahn, President, LMA, expressed appreciation to NOBEL Liberia’s management for the donation and further assured the company of full utilization of the presented amount.

“Words are inadequate to express our appreciation for such a significant donation, as the administration of the LMA is striving to enhance the education of our members’ children. We say thanks to NOBEL Liberia for this kind gesture,” she said.

Meanwhile, the LMA said it is planning an official program to introduce the management of NOBEL Liberia to other LMA executive members as part of the collaboration and partnership.

It may be recalled that NOBEL Liberia provided thousands of United States’ dollars to the relief of several charitable organizations such as MISS LIBERIA, Chicago Bright Foundation, and the Monrovia Football Academy, among others.

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