President Sirleaf Inducts U.S. Amb. To Liberia Into The Star of Africa Order


President Sirleaf Inducts U.S. Amb. To Liberia Into The Star of Africa Order

IPNews-Monrovia,Liberia-18 January 2018: President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has admitted Untied States Ambassador to Liberia, Christine A. Elder into the Star of Africa, with a Grade of Knighthood, for her invaluable services in improving already existing bilateral relations between Liberia and the United States of America.

The Liberian leader described the U.S. Ambassador as a trusted and true friend to Liberia and “a wonderful representation of the United States to Liberia.

According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the statement over the weekend in the C. Cecil Dennis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

She recognized the immense contributions and support of Ambassador Elder and for tirelessly working for the good of the two countries which brought boost to the developmental agenda of the Liberian nation.

“Madam Ambassador, you have worked tirelessly to promote Liberia’s development; especially from your work with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which helped us to boost our electricity expansion process,”

President Sirleaf  stressed “Your support to medium and small mechanized farmers in Liberia has also impacted our agricultural sector. We are continuously grateful to you for your unrelenting efforts in helping us to keep and maintain our peace and security.”

The Liberian leader noted that these fine attributes of the Ambassador Elder represent commendable booster for the forward march of the Liberian nation.

Receiving the honor, the United States diplomats noted that she was humbly receiving the honor from President Sirleaf and the Liberian people with deepest respect and admiration.

“I also want to recognize members of your Cabinet who have been tireless in their efforts to improving the lives of people across Liberia, through partnerships with the United States and with friends,” she told the gathering.

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