President-elect Weah: “ I Count On You To Make Laws In The People's Interest”


President-elect Weah: “ I Count On You To Make Laws In The People's Interest”

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia-Sinkor Monrovia- 6 January 2018: President George Weah is encouraging newly certificated members of the House of Representative to ensure the enactment of laws in favor developmental agenda of the people of Liberia.

Addressing newly certificated members of the House of Representative, the President-elect George Weah assured Liberians that he will not fail the country.

He said it is about time to join hands in moving the country forward rather than making laws to benefit a few-adding the elections were over and Liberia is now the bigger picture for focus

President-elect George M. Weah: “ I call on all politicians to begin working in the interest of their people because the elections are over. Let me thank you all now members of the 54th House of Representatives for your respective election and permit me to register this to that I count on you to make good decisions in the people’s interest. I am your friend. I am here to listen. Let the work begin,” Weah said.

The President-elect further vowed not to fail the people of Liberia, saying “you have given me the opportunity to serve you when you trusted me with your votes…so I will not fail you.”

He stressed the need for Liberians to reconcile their differences and disclosed that he has reached out to the 19 candidates who participated in the presidential election.

Earlier, the Chairman of the National Elections Commission (NEC) Cllr. Jerome Korkoya said the certification ceremony is meant to legitimize the election of candidates who won the presidential and representative elections.

Chairman Korkoya pointed out that Liberians elected Ambassador Weah and others to lead them for the next six years-cautioning  the elected officials not to fail their people who voted them into power.

President-elect Weah and Vice President-elect Senator Jewel Howard Taylor were certificated along with 66 representatives-elect.

Certificates for seven other representative slots were withheld due to legal battles at the Supreme Court.

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