Pres. Sirleaf Hails Professional Content of Maritime Institute-As Commissioner James Kollie Lauds Pres. Sirleaf’s Farsightedness


Pres. Sirleaf Hails Professional Content of Maritime Institute-As Commissioner James Kollie Lauds Pres. Sirleaf’s Farsightedness

IPNews-Monrovia, Liberia- Marshall, Lower Margibi County – 6 January 6, 2018:  President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has  hailed the professional content in the recruitment process by stakeholders of the Liberia Maritime Authority and Liberia Maritime Training Institute.

Madam President said the professional structure put in place at the institute was an important step leading to the meticulous selection and recruitment process of 24 students (20 males and 4 females).

President expressed delight that those student would meaningfully contribute to the substance of the institute following their two-year training process

“The inclusive selection from Liberia’s 15 counties is a demonstration of national participation”. The President said .

Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony by the Liberian leader, Madam President furthermore performed the unveiling of the plaque in honor of former Finance Minister and Governor, formerly the National Bank of Liberia, named and styled the John G. Bestman Maritime Training Institute.

In brief reference to Hon. John G. Bestman, President Sirleaf said: “John we owe you; It is honorable to give honor to whom it is due.”

President Sirleaf was later taken on a guided tour of the modernized facility at the John G. Bestman Maritime Training Institute.

Speaking further,  the Liberian leader described the moment as the day we have all been waiting for.

She thanked members of the 53rdNational Legislature for passing the amendment to the Agency Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Liberia and the Liberia International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR) in 2015.

President Sirleaf paid tribute to the partnership with LISCR, that translated into the transformation of a modern Liberia Maritime Training Institute (LMTI).

The President than paid further recognition to former Commissioners Mr. Gerald Cooper, Joe Keller and Binyah Kesselly for their leadership role played in the formulation process of the Maritime Institute

President Sirleaf: “ I like to give special recognition to Mrs. Leona Dennis – who particularly served the Maritime dutifully for 43 years. Mrs. Leona Dennis remained committed and devoted in spite of some of the most difficult moments the Bureau of Maritime faced.

Earlier, Mr. Abraham Avi Zaidenberg, Managing Director of the Liberia International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR) in Monrovia and Chairman of the Board of the Liberia Maritime Training Institute welcomed all and sundry to the epoch-making ceremony and noted the individual and collective role of all stakeholders.

He recalled LISCR’s partnership with the with the Government of Liberia which began more than 18 years ago and informed the gathering that under President Sirleaf’s leadership, the Liberian Shipping Registry has increased the size of its fleet three times.

Avi Zaidenberg: ‘ Today, 30% of oil cargo shipped to the United States are carried by Liberian flagged vessels”.

In remarks, Commissioner James F. Kollie, lauded President Sirleaf for her hindsight in ensuring the project came to fruition.

He acknowledged the significant interventions of the various actors who worked so diligently towards such realization.

It can be recalled that as part of the 2015 amendments to the agency agreement between the Government of Liberia and the Liberia International Ship & Corporate Registry (LISCR) based in Virginia, USA, the Government decided to turn over the management of the Liberia Management Training Institute to LISCR.

The agreement calls for Government to provide the funding but also provided that LISCR will use its experience in maritime training to upgrade and manage the facility so that it is internationally recognized and accredited.

The first batch of 24 cadets commenced training on August 1, 2017. The LMTI can look ahead to becoming a truly world-class center of excellence for maritime training.

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